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2012 Apocalypse escape plan

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  • 2012 Apocalypse escape plan

    Here you go, your ticket out if the 2012 apocalypse does happen.
    Space is limited act fast.

  • #2
    "Arrive safely to new planet"

    I should sue them for false advertising. New planet is well over a few light years away, and to travel at the speed of light is impossible. Therefore scientifically they're full of shit. Hell the first generation would probably die off before they left the solar system... Assuming any of this was in the realm of possibility and they actually had a ship rather than a trashcan with cardboard fins and the word "ship" painted on it.


    • #3
      WTF you worried about Scary? It's guaranteed! If your ass gets smoked, you get your money back. Besides maybe all us folks from the industrial north could actually find legit paying work there. I'm going end of the world or not.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mohawk Freak View Post
        WTF you worried about Scary? It's guaranteed! If your ass gets smoked, you get your money back.
        In that case going with The Church of the Subgenius sounds like the best bet to me. "Eternal salvation or triple your money back!"

        Maybe I should start my own...



        • #5
          HAHAHA GREAT vid SG!

          Also I want a Cult Member T-Shirt.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
            and they actually had a ship rather than a trashcan with cardboard fins and the word "ship" painted on it.
            why does that remind me of calvin and hobbes?

            the movie Pandorum was about this very thing. pretty decent movie, i thought.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
              why does that remind me of calvin and hobbes?
              Because that comic was fucking awesome, that's why.

              and now I has a sad.

