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I wish someone had the balls to do this in this country.

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  • I wish someone had the balls to do this in this country.

    Man contemplating suicide gets a helpful push off bridge
    A Chinese man heavily in debt spent five hours blocking traffic when finally a passer by got fed up and pushed him off the bridge he was considering jumping from.

    Chen Fuchao (no f word jokes please) was about 2 million chinese Yuan in debt, around $290,000 (or one shelf worth of Chinese goods at Walmart).

    So he stood on a bridge where 6 other jumpers had ended their lives for around five hours blocking traffic.

    66-year-old Lai Jiansheng was fed up with Chen’s “selfish activity” and after breaking though a police cordon pushed Chen off the bridge.

    Chen landed on a partially inflated air bag and suffered injuries to his elbow and back.

    Lai Jiansheng was detained but released by police after the incident.

    Lai posed with a salute after pushing the suicidal man off the bridge.

    I think thats fucking awesome. I hate suicide jumpers that screw up traffic for hours just to get attention. I say bring out the fire hoses and knock their ass off. I bet that guy won't be so eager to climb up on a bridge now that he was pushed off, next time there may not be anything between him and the pavement.

  • #2
    After 5 hours the air bag was only partially inflated. Gotta' love Chinese quality.


    • #3
      is unimpressed


      • #4
        The best thing you can do with someone who is trying to commit suicide is to fucking let them do it. The alternative is to lock them up in a mental hospital for a while, which is worse than jail, because it is less dignified, there is no making bail, and there are no lawyers. Imagine reaching out to someone for help, while in that state of mind, and being humiliated and/or abused and locked into a cell for a while because you asked for help. Imagine the distain you would have for the entire human race. When that person comes out of the nuthouse, they're probably still going to do it, but with their newly-inspired anger issues, they won't ask for help, and they may even take someone with them.

