I had chemicals in my garage which are common to garages and her animal got in to them. Am I sorry? No. Did i put her cat in there? No. Did I leave the door open in hopes that it would get into it? No.
Whether the door is open or not doesn't matter. Its my door its my property.
Her animal was invasive
he said cats are seen as ferrel and dont recognize borders such as property lines
Im with 60 buick. Most cat owners are neglegent in how they let the cat roam the neighborhood. I dont want your cat walking on my cars, shitting in my childs sand box, and pissing on my front screen door.
I can think of a half dozen ways the situation could have been resolved. 1) keep your garage door shut. 2) put your old coolant in a sealed container for proper disposal (you call yourself a car guy?). 3) get a humane live trap and bring the cat to a rescue, shelter, animal control, humane society, etc...
Bottom line is that the animal suffered a needless painful death and it was 100% avoidable. You're a nice guy Richard. It was good to see you again at the last show, but seriously, I have to go with Atti on this one...you really need to get your karma in check.
the guy across the street that tried to shoot it with an arrow for laying on his truck
60Buick, thank you for doing your part to keep pet owners accountable to their shitty behavior. I'd have just tossed the carcass in front of the owner's house and been done with the matter;
Classy. In fact, this guy puts the 'ass' in classy.