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I accidently killed a cat. oh darn.

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  • #16
    I had chemicals in my garage which are common to garages and her animal got in to them. Am I sorry? No. Did i put her cat in there? No. Did I leave the door open in hopes that it would get into it? No.
    That's sure not the way you made it sound in your first post. In fact, I'm pretty sure you crafted your post to sound like that is exactly what you intended to happen. Maybe I'm just reading it wrong.
    Whether the door is open or not doesn't matter. Its my door its my property.
    Ridiculous. You are just asking for trouble by doing it. Would you leave your front door open all night and expect that nobody is just going to walk right in? Why would they, right? It's your property. Would you leave your wallet or purse in full view on the dashboard of you car while you went shopping at the mall? Nobody is going to break in and take it because it's your property, right?
    Her animal was invasive
    Animals have no concept of the fact they are being invasive. Your "lawyer friend" said it himself:
    he said cats are seen as ferrel and dont recognize borders such as property lines
    Im with 60 buick. Most cat owners are neglegent in how they let the cat roam the neighborhood. I dont want your cat walking on my cars, shitting in my childs sand box, and pissing on my front screen door.
    Then take the necessary precautions, and if need be, the legal steps to make sure it does not happen. The animal does not know what it's doing is wrong. I'm sure the owner of the cat did not train it to piss in your sandbox...put a cover on it at night.

    I can think of a half dozen ways the situation could have been resolved. 1) keep your garage door shut. 2) put your old coolant in a sealed container for proper disposal (you call yourself a car guy?). 3) get a humane live trap and bring the cat to a rescue, shelter, animal control, humane society, etc...
    Bottom line is that the animal suffered a needless painful death and it was 100% avoidable. You're a nice guy Richard. It was good to see you again at the last show, but seriously, I have to go with Atti on this really need to get your karma in check.

    the guy across the street that tried to shoot it with an arrow for laying on his truck
    Brilliant. I hope he scratched up his paint real good.
    60Buick, thank you for doing your part to keep pet owners accountable to their shitty behavior. I'd have just tossed the carcass in front of the owner's house and been done with the matter;
    Seriously? What is this world coming to?
    Classy. In fact, this guy puts the 'ass' in classy.


    • #17
      DoubleD, your chiming in as a tree hugger with an avatar like that? I dont need to pet proof my house or property if I dont want pets in it. Period.


      • #18
        DoubleD, your chiming in as a tree hugger with an avatar like that? I dont need to pet proof my house or property if I dont want pets in it. Period.
        My avatar has nothing to do with anything. But since you brought it up and you think it has some kind of merit in this discussion...It's simply a joke that went over your head.

        I believe in animal rights. If that is your definition of a tree hugger, so be it. Yep, I also recycle. Far out, man!

        It might not just be the neighborhood stray cat pissing in your kid's sandbox. Skunks, raccoons, possums and just about any other wild animal might be rooting around in there in the middle of the night. So if you are concerned about your child's safety, you do kind of have to do some kind of pet proofing. Taking a minute to pull a cover over a sandbox at the end of the day does not seem like much in the grand scheme of things.


        • #19
          I recycle too. It makes up for cleaning my car parts on the ground with brake parts cleaner.


          • #20
            Double D, dont want to start with the personal attacks. Thats not my style. Everyone has an opinion.


            • #21
              Didn't think we were.


              • #22
                All I can say to cat lovers is, if you love cats so much, PLEASE come down to my neighborhood and get some. I will let you put your live catch traps in my yard, and you are welcome to just as many of them as you want to take home. Housecats are one thing, but feral cats are just another destructive pest.


                • #23
                  Hey, I was just thinking...why don't I buy a cat trap and some crates, and start my own cat adoption service? I could put a sign in the front yard that says:



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Double D View Post
                    Seriously? What is this world coming to?
                    Classy. In fact, this guy puts the 'ass' in classy.
                    I like to think that I'm more of a "puts the dick in Dickey" sort of guy, but I suppose we're just splitting hairs. Double D, were I a betting man, I'd venture that the above statement is what was construed as a personal attack. fwiw, I am not offended and just gathered that you bear the same bouts of assaholism as I do.

                    Furthering this thread...Back when I had a cat, I kept up with her and made sure she wasn't out causing problems like what Pyro has described. That's just common courtesy. If anyone had told me that there was an issue I'd have made certain to correct the trouble because that is what reasonable neighbors do. Likewise, when I first moved to where I live now, I had a dog that roamed the neighborhood. He trampled a neighbor's flowers one day, they told me about it, I apologized, offered restitution (they declined) and I put up a $2500 fence around my property to make sure the event would not be repeated. I would not have told them to go pound sand and expect that to have absolved me of my responsibility while simultaneously correcting the problem. You and I will have to agree to disagree on this matter.


                    • #25
                      I wonder if they ever figured out who came up with this...

                      The best way, and most sporting, way to kill a cat is with a bag of Ace assorted size rubber bands. They almost seem to be made for that purpose.

                      If you want to participate in this sport, you will need:

                      (1) cat (you can rent a trap, $5/day, and bait it with tuna, $1.19/can).

                      (1) bag of Ace assorted rubber bands (about $2.99 usd)

                      What other sport can you get into for under $20?

                      Trap the cat in a live-catch trap, using the tuna for bait. Carry the trap, containing the cat, into a house, with all doors and windows closed, and open the trap.

                      If kitty runs to you and meows, this cat is much too trusting, but not all is lost. Pick kitty up by the scruff of the neck and shake him, then hold him out at arm's length and spin him around and around and let him go. You can amuse yourself watching him run sideways for a while, and hopefully he will eventually hide somewhere. If kitty doesn't want to get out of the trap, hold the door open with one of the rubber bands, or a bread tie, pick it up and shake it until kitty falls out. If you can successfully drop kick kitty before he hits the ground, give yourself a few extra points.

                      With kitty either hidden, or far enough away from you to make use of a range weapon appropriate, it is time to load up your first weapon and get ready for the hunt. Get one of the smallest size rubber bands (1/32"), place it onto your index finger (if you are left-handed, place it on the right finger, and vice versa), just under the fingernail, pull it back with the middle finger of your other hand, point it toward kitty, and release. The smallest rubber bands are specifically made for hitting ears and noses, kitty's most sensitive parts. Ready? Let's do it! Fire away! Give yourself two points for each direct hit to an ear or a nose.

                      When you are out of the smallest size of rubber bands, move up to the next size (1/16"). These are made for hitting the anus (hey, why would they put their tails in the air unless they enjoyed it?), the testicles (male cats only, obviously), the nipples, the tip of the tail, and the eyes. Some cats may have sensitive whiskers as well, but, of course, those are fun to hit with any size. Give yourself three points for each hit to an anus, testicle, tip of tail, eye, or whisker.

                      When you have run out of that size, it is time to go to the 1/8". These are general-purpose bands. Give yourself a point for any hit! Have fun with it.

                      Hopefully your kitty is still full of spunk and trying to run away! If not, just skip this step and go to the end of the hunt. If you've exhausted your supply of 1/8" rubber bands, though, and kitty is still running or trying to hide, it's time to break out the big guns! Notice that there are only a few of the 1/4" rubber bands in the bag. That's because these are for the final coups de grace. You must hit kitty's head, just behind and beneath the eye. If you do, kitty will be knocked unconscious, and the hunt is a success!

                      The hunt ends, of course, with kitty's merciful death, or with his freedom. If you have not knocked him out, and he is still trying to run or fight, you must open the door and let him out. Believe me, you want such a cat to be trapped, to hunt again! If kitty has collapsed into a shivering ball, has rubbed up against your leg and meowed, despite the abuse, or you have knocked kitty out with a 1/4" rubber band head shot, kitty must die! Pick him up by the head and impart a spinning, snapping motion to the body, and the neck will be broken. Find a good taxidermist and have the head mounted on a plaque!

