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Halloween Costumes? What's was/is your favorite?

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  • Halloween Costumes? What's was/is your favorite?

    Just out of curiosity, what do you all tend to do for halloween costumes? Anyone care to post a pic?

    Don't be shy! Here is what I did last year for myself and with me is my husband. Mine was really fun and had lights in the hood. Kindof hard to eat or drink in though...


    Who's next??

  • #2
    I'm usually a vampire. Go figure.


    • #3
      i'm going as zombie elvis. fat zombie elvis, that is.....


      • #4
        Here are a couple of mine. The first is me in my straight jacket. It's a real straight jacket. The second is me in my suit. This was the first Halloween cruise in I went to.


        • #5
          My wife and I a couple years ago.


          • #6
            I am thinking of something like this for this year. Should be cheap an easy and scary. Also thinking of adding more zippers around my body too.
            Attached Files


            • #7
              i always have at least 3 life size static zombie props in my yard, so i dress like one of them with a mask and stand real still, then when kids walk past to the hearse to get candy from my buddy layin in the casket, ill be standing right behind them when the turn to leave! Mmmwwwaahahaha!!!! lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by Creepy Cruiser View Post
                My wife and I a couple years ago.

                NICE! I always loved Wednesday, especially when I was a kid.


                • #9
                  The best was when I was a kid, me and 7 buddies all dressed as soldiers one year. Every house we went to we shuffled around a lot so the couldn't tell how many of us there were. This gave us the ability to get double the goodies from every house.

                  Now if I am scaring kids I have an evil wood troll mask I put on with some dark clothes and drape cammo netting over my body. Then I just hide in bushes or leaf piles and scare the crap out of them.

                  For parties I usually take the cheap way out and throw on my ren fair outfit, kinda half musketeer half pirate look.

                  I may just go as an ass hole this year as it will require little work.


                  • #10
                    Halloween? Hell, I dress like this all summer long...

                    Grave Digger (me) with some Zombie friends

                    Wife (Mrs. Vampire) and me (Grave Digger)


                    • #11
                      Finally got around to doing mine for this year. Managed to rustle up a devo suit, a pair of globes, some signs, a marker and a trashcan this afternoon for tonight's party. The rest I had from a mad scientist get up from a few years prior. This isn't my favorite costume ever but it is a lot of fun to drive around in just the same.


                      • #12
                        I got new shoes this year for my suit. They have fish in them. Can't see them in picture. Here are couple pictures. Won best costume at a Halloween car show at a haunted house. My friend called me Reverend Wade.

                        suit.jpgsuit 2.jpgshoes.jpg
                        Last edited by Abnorml; 10-30-2011, 10:04 PM. Reason: added fish


                        • #13
                          Those shoes are full of awesome. You need a cane and hat to go with this get up, maybe even a cape.


                          • #14
                            Everybody loves the shoes.
                            I got a pimp cane, but I wanted to paint it blue to match the suit. I think I'm going to make a custom cane. I only have about a year to do it, knowing me I won't get started until a week before I need it. Got the shoes Tuesday or Wednesday and wore them that Saturday. Spent years trying to find these shoes for a decent price and finally the waiting payed off.


                            • #15
                              Here is what I came up with this year. I took the zipper idea and cut up a rubber mask and fit it inside the zipper so it looked like a zombie/mummy was under the zipper. I used safety pins to make it look like the zipper was pinned to my face, I didn't need to pour the blood on it, everyone said it was creepy enough.

