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'67 Lurch Is Back

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  • '67 Lurch Is Back

    Our beloved Lurch is back on Craigslist after days of us trying to make a plan and get him back he would NOT give Lurch back to us ... he is still using OUR pictures and not taking any of his own. That then makes us wonder ... is Lurch messed up now? Had he been abused and Brian is not telling us???

    We really want Lurch back more than anything in this world.
    and why is he asking so much when it's not worth the money??? Lurch is worth about $5K on a GOOD day ... other than that ... he's asking to much and is nothing but a money hungry person -.-'

  • #2
    That has happened to me before.. I sold a guy a 60 Buick for 650.00

    He put it in the paper 2 weeks later for 6,000.
    First i got mad , then laughed like good luck buddy.. The add stayed in the paper for almost 2 years . It slowly sunk down to 900. then it was gone. I would of bought it back from the next owner but it never resurfaced.


    • #3
      Geez ... people are just A holes I swear

      That's why I almost cried going home when hubby sold Lurch ... but people here know it very well and my hubby to and they got on his tail about it and we still are because he is posting it where ever he can apparently where people are "nice" lmfao

      There is a forum on the "want to buy" about it that we are all talking about (:

      go check it out ... kinda funny I think


      • #4
        Sorry for your loss. It looks like you gave up a great looking old hearse.


        • #5
          Funny.. I have a friend who also has a 67 Landau here in Australia called Lurch, Small world eh?

