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    The term you get what you pay for has never been more appropriate than when dealing with these people and that buying a car cover from Car Cover Man on eBay is a VERY BAD idea.

    This company is currently working on eBay with at least two different accounts (carcoverman & worldoutletcenter) selling car covers, seat covers and who knows what else. CHECK THEIR NEGATIVE FEEDBACK ON eBAY! I suspect they'd have more, but most people leave feedback as soon as they receive the product and the covers don't look like complete garbage right out of the box.

    They have a fairly good eBay page (if you don't look to closely) and they advertise a really great product with a 20 year warranty. I needed a cover for the 1988 Cadillac Hearse that I bought in April and they said they could get me one for a ridiculously reasonable price. That should have been my first clue, but I figured they weren't running a lot of overhead so what the Hell. I needed something to keep the sun and rain off my vinyl roof while I find a carport and this cover was only 40 bucks.

    I called their 800 number to ask a question about the cover and they assured me the covers were great for outdoor storage and as a bonus they were nice enough to take my order over the phone to avoid all the eBay hassles. HUGE mistake on my part. My only defense is that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    On the upside, the cover arrived in about 5 days, it has some cool draw strings and it fit my hearse
    reasonably well. Unfortunately, that's all the good things I can say about it. This product may work well if you need an indoor dust cover but using it outdoors in the sun and rain apparently causes it to rot and dissolve.

    I bought the cover on 6-10-10, I received it on and on 6-18-10 and 7-17-10 the first tear appeared over
    the driver's door while I was taking it off. The next afternoon when I went to put the cover back on a 2 foot tear appeared by the back door. Seeing how the add said it has a 20 year warranty I figured I'd call them up and get it taken care of. Shouldn't have been a problem.

    Well, after 2 days of calling, being hung-up on 5 times and 2 unanswered e-mails, I finally got to talk to someone that said he was a supervisor. I'm not sure if he is a supervisor, but he was VERY helpful. He told me that if I sent him another 30 bucks they should be able to send me another cover. I asked about the warranty and he replied (and I quote) "I guess you can call Ghostbusters about the warranty." I can only assume he thought he was a comedian, 'cause he liked it so much he repeated himself. He even tried to play the Ghostbusters' theme for me over the phone, but he got the wrong track. As you can imagine this didn't thrill me overly much. Call me sensitive, but I didn't see the funny.

    Like the idiot that I am, I called back on one of the other numbers (I got it from their negative feedback on eBay) and tried talking to somebody else. I guess the guy that answered the phone didn't want to get left out of the joke because he transferred me back to the "supervisor" and then walked back as they were picking up the line (I could hear him in the background). I started suspecting I wasn't going to get any satisfaction when the theme from Ghostbusters started playing. At least he found the right track that time.

    Anyway, I'm still fighting the urge to drive to LA and park a 5000 lb car on somebody's chest, but I thought I'd put this out here as a public service announcement about these people. If you read this and still buy a car cover from these people don't say I didn't warn you.

  • #2
    Sounds like you got slimed. Kind of tempting to stick that one in a radioactive containment unit.


    • #3
      Man, that sucks. You have every right to be pissed.


      • #4
        that's total BS. thanks for the heads up about 'em tho. scumbags. we always get our covers thru they are kinda pricey (usually b/n $150-200) but they can make custom fit stuff and they last. i've had one of their covers for my Firehawk for 8 years now and no tears, no problems. they sell indoor and outdoor covers. and they will stand behind their product. i've been meaning to order one of their covers for one of our hearses, but just haven't got around to it yet. we keep 'em under carports so it's not a high priority at the moment.

