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CL: '62 Superior limo style

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  • CL: '62 Superior limo style

    Could've sworn this coach was posted on NHAA a year+ ago. Seem to think owner offered a parted out a similar coach here but have searched and searched with no luck. Meh.

  • #2
    Don't get on here as much as I used to.
    Thats mine, I listed surplus parts for 61/2 Superiors here in the past... Lotta folks seemed to think I needed to give em free stuff, so I gave up on that.
    Far as listing the car here before, Never done that, Unless someone swooped my add on here?
    Car and parts are still here...
    Don't need to sell, but thinking maybe I'd like to.
    To many projects floating around



    • #3
      Hmm. Most are looking for something for free - but the $400 you quoted (plus shipping) was pretty high for rear loading door glass. I've since located, removed, and purchased (5) '59-'64 Superior rear loading door glass and have been able to offer them here for substantially less.

      Your coach is realistically priced. It'll take a buyer in a smaller radius that will appreciate medium-level desirability, which will require a little time for word to spread. Good luck with the sale.


      • #4
        Wow, thanks.
        Good to know your the window guru.

        See, I have no parts lists for 50 year old coaches to go by.
        I figured, if a front window is 1200 bucks then something for the rear, being about 1/3 the size would be... Oh say 1/3 the price?
        Most things are open for negotiation, some will, others just scream unfair.

        Can't say I've ever had a bad transaction with anyone I've dealt with.

        But I can say, Most people have me chase around getting shipping quotes, even after I've given them a part price....
        To only baulk about the deal, after they have wasted my said time?

        So, my time is money.
        I like to make money.
        I'm not here to save everyone else money..
        No one saves me money.
        If I NEED something I spend the Money

        Hope this clears it up for you



        • #5
          Glass is relative - just like your attitude.

          Superior used the same rear loading door glass for a six year period, from '59-'64. (Had you stayed active on the site, you may have learned this.) As such, it is not terribly difficult to find. Supply outweighs limited demand for the most part.

          Miller Meteor rear loading door glass is '59-'62. Much more difficult to find because Ecto clone egits have driven price up. $400-500 seems going rate.

          Lets look at '59 Eureka rear loading door glass as an example. It is ONE year only - doesn't even interchange with '60. I know of four people that need this piece. Having a mold made would cost thousands and take four pieces of donor glass to fabricate (which is why it has not been done). If you had one of these instead, at least a couple of those looking would jump at a $1500 price point.

          Also, new '59-'64 commercial windshields have dropped to $800. This subsequently lowered used examples to a point where they may not be worth effort and risk pulling out of junk coaches when required to pay in advance.

          Everyone's time is worth money. You're not special. Now forward your address for this education bill.


          • #6
            Yes, attitudes are realitive
            Though maybe folks like me who "appreciate medium-level desirability" just may not be up to your par... "Meh", may also ring a bell?

            Don't remember asking for an education, so I won't thank you.
            I just love being on the edge of my seat, Hanging around the forum... But I have a life.
            So I won't.


            • #7
              Apparently you took medium-level desirability as a negative, yet stating so was simply calling it like it is. Although tastes vary greatly, a '62 Superior limo style is not on either end of spectrum: not an awkwardly styled '80s front wheel drive 'box' - and not a '55-'60 (or a Eureka). More people want 3-ways, more people want landaus, etc. (<---This coming from someone who loves limo styles.) Really not terribly hard to follow. '60s Superiors have survived in good numbers.

              Meh was referencing not being able to find previous discussions via search function.

              Your issue entirely if you're a glass half empty sort. Any pre-'65 trumps '65-up in my book. I suggest that you stop implying context where none was intended. No need for you to continue proudly standing snarky on that soapbox. Your (admitted) coach nescience was enough to rain cold hard facts down without asking. Not the best ploy for any barely contributing member to intermittently pop in here with attitude - especially with an item for sale. Worse still assuming nobody other than yourself has a life.

              If I wasn't passionate about coaches or didn't think you had a decent deal available, it wouldn't have been posted in the first place.


              • #8
                Someone turn on the hose. The dogs are fighting in the yard again.

