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Yay, procar Halloween! New owner here! :)

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  • Yay, procar Halloween! New owner here! :)

    Hi, I'm Vera! I have been lurking for a long time, I joined this year, but lurked for a little bit more since I joined! Hahaha I finally started joining in because well, I finally got my very own hearse! I have wanted a hearse as long as I can remember! It has always been one thing or another that kept me from getting one, but now everything has finally lined up! It is seriously a dream come true! I got a 1964 M&M combo endloader, and I just bought her on Halloween, which is of course, my favorite holiday, and this year marked my third wedding anniversary! It was just way too perfect to get my first hearse on Halloween, my birthday is on the Day of The Dead two days later so it's like the biggest best present to myself! hahaha! My husband got his '52 Cheyy pickup daily driver on our first anniversary so it seems that Halloween is a good day to get awesome cars on!

    I am so excited and happy to finally have one and get started on driving and restoring her! I named her Persephone, a name I was saving for my dream '59 if I ever got one, or a little girl if I ever had one, but this all lined up so well, and I don't want to wait.. so I'm just going for it now!

    For some reason it's not letting me upload the shots of the interior, file type maybe.. but I have some in my albums or my blog.

    I had so many plans for her before I saw the interior and now I'm thinking of leaving the inside the way it is, just cleaning and fixing what needs fixing instead.. I know it's not perfect, but it's in way better condition than I imagined so I think I'll leave that scheme and just repaint the outside a little differently and I'll be good. She has a rebuilt 429 Motor and a 400 transmission from a '66 Caddy sedan and was the daily driver for the guy that brought her to life, broken windows and all. :-D She needs all but three side windows replaced, including the windshield...two leaf springs are broken on the rear driver's side, she has varying severeties of dents along her body, exhaust pipes cut, a hole in the driver's floor (haha exhaust leaks in through it.. suicide special, anyone?), the rear right fender has rusted through... I have to chase the rust out a lot of the body, I know. I know this will take a lot of time and effort and I'm actually looking forward to it a ton! I don't like buying perfect cars, I love working on them and the pride that comes from that! She runs and drives, I test drover her a bit a couple weeks before I bought her.. she had only been sitting a month so once the carburetor got warmed up we were back in smooth, smooth action! Very few things left to do to make her road worthy! I already have exhaust pipes secured, so there's a start!!

    Attached Files

  • #2

    Looks like a fun project.


    • #3
      first off ..... Welcome to the family

      2nd off I'd rather have this then a craptacular '59 caddys or for that matter any year for that matter hearse and or ambulance


      • #4
        Congrats and welcome officially to the NHAA! My first coach so long ago was also a '64 - good choice.

        I do have a correct '63-'64 MM rear loading door glass already pulled currently sitting in the basement spare. The junkyard coach it came from also has a driver's door glass still intact, don't recall about passenger door. Passenger rear door is broken out but I think the other 3 pieces of side glass are good, albeit with ambulance etching.


        • #5
          I like it! As someone who also dreams of a '59, I find that I am drawn to the 63/64 body style. I love that it has that 59ish front end styling, the big curved windshield, and still a bit of tail fin. Also, the more I shop around for pro cars, the more I am liking the price difference between a 59 and 63/64! Very nice car! It should be a fun project.


          • #6
            Nice looking ride. Welcome to the forum.


            • #7
              Welcome from 1 64 to another 64. As You dig into this, I'm curious if this is the origional engine. I didn't think a 65/66 tranny would bolt up to a 64, especially since it came with a jetaway. I just let a 66 tranny getaway because I didn't think it would fit.


              • #8
                Ahh, thanks so much, everyone!

                Rum Runner, Haha well thank you! I saw her and fell in love!!! It's just one of those things, big ass fins and bullet lights draw me in. hahaha

                Atti! That's fantastic! I am not having a lot of luck finding any locally, and I really don't want to have that shit made.

                Dan70Olds, Thanks! Yeah, I had to choose between a run down '51 and this one.. as much as I LOVE the big round look of older caddies, the flatter front end, curved glass and fins really got to me with this one! This one is an easier starting point with my income at the moment. haha

                TravlinMan, Thanks! No, the guy that found it took the motor and tranny from a 66 sedan and it seems to fit. I didn't get great pictures, I can next time I visit or when I take her home. With broken windows she's staying at the garage so my ghetto fuckface neighbor won't fuck with her while I finish payments... as crazy as it is making me, It's gonna have to work for now. I can take a closer look when I go back Friday.


                • #9
                  Hi Vera, welcome to the most coolest hearse place on the net..! I noticed you're a gorelesque performer..? I presume thats a a bloody version of burlesque..? would you like to expand on what you do..?


                  • #10
                    Ukdoa, Thanks, I am loving it so far. I'm sure I made ya'all cringe with the Halloween/'59/always wanted a hearse thing.. it's sad but true though, hahah I promise, I have passion for the right reasons!!

                    haha you pretty much said it! I do mostly horror routines (unless hired specifically for a differentlytheme), blood, guts, glitter and gore! Some are subtle, some are all out there. I make latex bits and pieces and either tear myself or others apart, transform into beasts, or torment "innocents" onstage. It's so much fun mixing two things that I LOVE together! I try to hold onto some of the burlesque classic moves and putting a twist of horror with it. Haha I have a screen capture of a review from a blogger that saw my gorelesque debut!(I did classic burlesque for a while before starting with the darker stuff.)
                    I obviously do different things and songs for each routine.. I don't like talking about them too much in detail online, BUT this one is already out there, if that gives you any sort of idea! haha

                    Thanks for the welcoming, guys! I'm super stoked about whipping her into shape!


                    • #11
                      man yours looks just like mine but yours is white! let me know what you do with yoru leaf springs, as my rear drivers pack is completely broken so i cant drive it! i need to take some measurements to see if theres any suv springs or heavy truck ones i can swap in for now.

                      and who doesnt love glitter?

                      Will be watching your thread like a stalker.

                      can i please get some pictures of your interior?


                      • #12
                        ChestyPuller, I know! That's why I was so stoked to see yours!!! I do plan on changing out her suspension, so I won't need them them.. unfortunately two in the back are broken, but the rest are intact and keep her off of the ground.. she ran great before this last adventure. :-/ I'm a whore for glitter. It's horrible. haha. She's parked in a tight spot and I only have my phone, but here are some shots of the interior. She was covered in black mold, but I finally got her scrubbed out! Let me know if you want to see anything specific that I missed! Ha.. I'm stalking yours, too.. it's cool!

                        Last edited by VeraVoodoo; 03-15-2012, 12:28 PM.


                        • #13
                          More Interior Shots

                          And here's the rest. Not the greatest pictures but you get the idea.


                          • #14
                            woah you got the seats in the back nice! i like that color also. they must have used the same compant to make all the interior in different colors as your patterns and materials look the same just different color.


                            • #15
                              Yeah! She seemed to be all there! I love the lil jump seats! Thanks, I like the color, looks very medical. Yeah! That's whey I freaked! I haven't seen anyone with the same pattern until yours! So awesome!

