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Article: NHAA Opposes SOPA

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  • Article: NHAA Opposes SOPA

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  • #2 is back online now. It was down from 4:00 AM (when I got home) until 11:00 PM today. I know it wasn't a full 24 hours but at least we actually did it, unlike Google.


    • #3
      While I do completely oppose SOPA and many other things our government is doing these days, I really do not see the point in website blackouts.
      Most of the sheeple out there are just going to get irritated at the wrong people over a blackout. Those who understand what what a blackout is trying to say are already on-board so you have really accomplished little.


      • #4
        Originally posted by LMS View Post
        While I do completely oppose SOPA and many other things our government is doing these days, I really do not see the point in website blackouts.
        Most of the sheeple out there are just going to get irritated at the wrong people over a blackout. Those who understand what what a blackout is trying to say are already on-board so you have really accomplished little.
        Actually according to Reddit 10 senitors have changed their stance over it due to this (and 12 have changed their stance on PIPA as well) so far.


        • #5
          I work with a bunch of guys in their early 20's, I asked them what they thought the black out and only 1 of the 6 I asked understood what it was about. The 5 who didn't were just irritated that they couldn't play around on reddit and went somewhere else for their entertainment. The 1 who did understand feels the way I do that it was a wasted gesture because most people are stupid.
          But if 10 senators changed their minds I guess it's all good. Question is did they change their minds because they see it's wrong or because they fear for their jobs. I am betting the later.


          • #6
            Honestly I don't care as long as they oppose it and don't try to pass any similar bullshit legislation anytime soon.

            I watched a video today and heard something great that I will now quote probably until the day I die.

            "Don't listen to normal people, they're stupid."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
              Honestly I don't care as long as they oppose it and don't try to pass any similar bullshit legislation anytime soon.
              I wouldn't be surprised if they are wanting to try it again sometime in the future considering how none of these politicians, Obama included AFAIK, have come out to say that SOPA was a bad idea. Sure, some have said that SOPA "needs tinkering" or "isn't ready yet." But such statements show they are open minded towards eventually unrolling such a large government intrusion in the future.

              As to Congressman Lamar Smith, the author of SOPA who was caught red handed engaging in copyright infringement with stolen photography works on his official campaign website! What's good for the goose is good for the gander. It would only be reasonable for SWAT to pick him up in the middle of the night, like the US did with megaupload's employees, throw him in a small cold cell and confiscate all his assets in case they be awarded to the victim(s) in this case. If there is any justice left in this world he should be charged with infringement for every person who has ever visited [thereby downloading] his official campaign website.

              This won't happen however, because corporations get more protection from the US gov than individuals; and everyone knows that the politicians in DC are not subject to the rules they themselves claim to champion.

