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  • Welcome

    We would like to say welcome to any member of the PCS that chooses to come to the NHAA site. We are extending this open hand in an effort of friendship and the love of all things hearse related. And to promote better relations between the clubs of the hearse communities. Also to give the PCS an alternative place to hang out and post. Feel free to use this forum for any and all of your postings. And to brouse the other forums.

    Once again, Welcome to the NHAA site.

  • #2
    We would like to say welcome to any member of the PCS that chooses to come to the NHAA site. We are extending this open hand in an effort of friendship and the love of all things hearse related. And to promote better relations between the clubs of the hearse communities. Also to give the PCS an alternative place to hang out and post. Feel free to use this forum for any and all of your postings. And to brouse the other forums.

    Once again, Welcome to the NHAA site.
    Well spoken Riff Raff! Welcome to all in the PCS and we hope you like it here. When it gets down to it we're all involved in this for ONE reason... OUR LOVE OF PROFESSIONAL CARS. Whether your coach is restored perfectly, a daily driver, or modified in any way it's still appreciated & admired by alot of other procar fans. We all need to have a friendship & good relations between the clubs in order to promote these wonderful & fun vehicles! Together we can help show the world these are not cars to be feared or looked down upon & insure that there will always be an interest in keeping them around...


    • #3
      Thanks y'all....and I already been here for ages....theres cobwebs on my chair.


      • #4
        So which is it?

        Originally posted by Riff Raff View Post
        We would like to say welcome to any member of the PCS that chooses to come to the NHAA site. We are extending this open hand in an effort of friendship and the love of all things hearse related. And to promote better relations between the clubs of the hearse communities. Also to give the PCS an alternative place to hang out and post. Feel free to use this forum for any and all of your postings. And to brouse the other forums.

        Once again, Welcome to the NHAA site.

        Originally posted by Zachary
        I figure I might as well get a few jabs in while they are in the death throes of their final years of cultural relevance. Another few years and no one in the classic hearse scene will even get the joke that was the former PCS.
        Last edited by Zachary; 03-24-2009, 11:22 AM.


        • #5
          Sounds to me he's not condeming the whole PCS, just the administration.
          The few I met in Daytona a few years ago and the ones I've met around here seemed cooler than an eskimo's toes. It the "asshats" with their "that's not original equipment" or "you can't afford to restore a hearse that's why you modify them" are the ones that we have a problem with. All are welcome to come join us here, also IT'S FREE. We always had one rule "Don't Be Stupid"


          • #6
            i's a few of the upper people that give them the bad name!


            • #7
              I can't speak for anyone else, but for me I'll stand by my statements. There are some good people in the PCS, but they are overshadowed by the asshats of the club.


              • #8
                I've never been a huge fan, just from what I've read on the Grim Rides site.

                However if we're putting the past behind us then so be it. I'll take their logo off my dartboard


                • #9
                  So no more of this???
                  buy it here
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by HearseHaunter; 03-21-2009, 01:13 AM.


                  • #10
                    I'm part of the PCS. I have a casket now, just got it last week and Marie, she goes everywhere with Abbie. Look in my photo album for Marie. Before I had the casket, I had a shipping crate that was used, now it's in the casket. I have been to two PCS meets and the people I have meet were very nice. The reason Abbie is stock is, because most people expect a hearse that is not owned by a funeral home to be modified. I think it scares more people to have a stock hearse.


                    • #11
                      My main problem is the way they handle thier forum. That is why I hang out here. That and the pretty girls.

                      I am a member of many many forums, and the PCS is the only one that mandates money from members. They are not interested in the restoration of cars, they are interested in making money.

                      This section is available to anybody from the PCS to come and freely exchange ideas.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Abnorml View Post
                        I'm part of the PCS. I have a casket now, just got it last week and Marie, she goes everywhere with Abbie. Look in my photo album for Marie. Before I had the casket, I had a shipping crate that was used, now it's in the casket. I have been to two PCS meets and the people I have meet were very nice. The reason Abbie is stock is, because most people expect a hearse that is not owned by a funeral home to be modified. I think it scares more people to have a stock hearse.
                        Oh I agree, however underglows and other little mods are what I do that aren't readily visible until I turn them on.


                        • #13

                          I have to agree with Abnorml. I already have a drag car, so Im doing everything I can to keep it stock appearing. Does blow people minds, at least now less people around here are pulling over when I pass, especially with the head lights on, lol. I have no problem with any types of modifications. One hot rod is enough for Me.


                          • #14
                            I would venture to say alot of PCS members are already here and lettin' their hair down...and enjoying themselves... I know I am....


                            • #15
                              Hair down


                              Yeh,,, let er down....

