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Maybe someone can explain the difference between.

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  • Maybe someone can explain the difference between.

    The PCS and PCI?

    This is on the 'friends of the profesional car society' site:

    "The Friends of the Professional Car Society is the official website that promotes the Professional Car Society, Inc. (Society). Our membership is primarily dues paying members of the Society; however, it is not a requirement that you belong to the Society to participate in our website. Although we are the official website, we receive no funding from the Society. All of our operating expenses are derived from the generous support of the users known as Site Supporters and Super Site Supporters. We encourage all active users to consider making a financial donation at least once a year. The professional car is loosely defined as a custom bodied vehicle based on passenger car styling and used in the funeral, rescue, or livery services. Such vehicles may be hearses, flower cars, service cars, ambulances, limousines, or cars which are specially built to combine two or more of these different functions-combination hearse-ambulances, sedan-ambulances, or invalid coaches. The Society was founded in 1976 to encourage the preservation of such vehicles. At that time, many of these vehicles had no established classes in multi-marquee antique car organizations. The Society's growth since that time has helped to establish the position of the professional car in more clubs and shows, and has served to preserve many of these vehicles for future collectors to restore and enjoy."

    I'd like to note that I do not have a login to the above site, but my login does work on .

  • #2
    The Friends of the PCS is the official site for the PCS. The is the old PCS site. It was never an official site, but was used as one. When the PCS had problems and split the Friends of the PCS was started as the official site for the PCS. The PCI is based in California, but I believe have member all over. The PCI is open to any procar stock or modified. Here is a link that might explain it better,


    • #3
      As Abnorml said, they are 2 different clubs. The PCS (professional car society) is geared towards stock professional cars and PCI (professional cars international) is geared towards ALL professional cars, stock or modified. Both have a magazine publication they mail out... I think PCS is quarterly & PCI is monthly. They are both supposed to be excellent magazines. PCS membership gets you the magazine, membership, and you're able to enter their International meet. Their website is funded by donations & Paul Steinberg heads up their site. To post on their site is free for anyone, and to attach pictures you must be both a member & a "site supporter" meaning an extra donation on top of your membership. I'm only a website member on PCS but not a dues-paying official member. To post pictures I just link them when I post over there. PCS website is "family friendly" and geared towards original cars, modifieds are somewhat tolerated. I have alot of online friends there & they are overall a good bunch.

      As for PCI, it is a newer club formation based in Cali, but they are in hopes it will spread nationwide. They have a forum on where general announcements are made pertaining to PCI and their activities. remains a privately owned & operated website by Dean Newman and i'm a moderator there. membership is free to everyone and the forums are easy to use. PCI membership gets you their magazine, membership, and free admission to any of their events which i'm told also includes a meal @ their shows. PCI is operated by Lou Farrah.

      Every hearse & ambulance club has it's rules, and the rules here on NHAA are by far the most lax (which I prefer) on web content & language. All the other sites are more "family oriented" and some of the the things we post here aren't tolerated anywhere else as you all know. PCS doesn't allow caskets at any of their meets (which I strongly disagree with) and PCI does allow them. As for "ghoulish props" they aren't allowed at PCS events, but PCI is working on a criteria for show displays... so they're not banned as long as it's not "over the top" nasty.

      So to answer you, PCS is "for the preservation of professional cars" and PCI is open to stock OR modified.


      • #4
        I would encourage people to frequent which is now being run entirely by Dean N. He's changed a LOT, added some kickass functionality and the board still retains a good number of very useful technical posts and other items of interest. It is a site worthy of support and has technical and historical information that is usually lacking in other sites. Not demeaning the NHAA boards at all, but we're more about flash and fun and less about actual info.

        As for the "Official" site of the PCS it is the same as it has always been. No, I take it back, it's worse. Paul pretty much deletes anything that reflects poorly on them. Usually he lets it go on for a couple of days while the good old boys (read as "Stuffy old assholes funeral directors who think being glorified janitors who handle dead bodies for a living elevates them above everyone else") rip and talk shit, then once someone stands up and voices a differing opinion based on objective analysis he deletes it.

        You can't post dick all on that site either. Want to post an image? Better be a dues paying member and site contributor! In other words, it's a total shit site run and frequented mostly by people, who if assholes could fly, would rapidly have it classified as an airport, not a message board.


        • #5
          Why doesn't PCS allow caskets at their meetings?


          • #6
            Originally posted by AdamKane View Post
            Why doesn't PCS allow caskets at their meetings?
            I was told it is because the shows are about the cars and the car didn't come with caskets. Caskets are a personnal item picked out by the families of the decedent.


            • #7
              Hearses don't come with embalming machines, enema machines, BBQ grills, amplified subwoofers, handcuffs, floggers or straitjackets, either, but these items always seem to show up at NHAA group hearse meets. Perhaps there is just a profound difference in philosophy between PCS and us normal people.



              • #8
                Originally posted by Morella View Post
                Perhaps there is just a profound difference in philosophy between PCS and us normal people.
                Which is they're a bunch of picky/whiny fuckers and we aren't.

                Next they'll require a funeral director's license to join their club.


                • #9
                  The P C S

                  I agree I cant stand the PCS they all have sticks up there asses. I remember Hearses being made to haul caskets not money grubbing 400 pound fat ass over payed funeral directors. Dont get me wrong I know alot of funeral directors around metro Detroit who are cool as fuck but alot of stupid fucks make up that club. Remember the pcs is made up of alot of funeral director who are suppose to be into preserving Hearse but if I remember correctly the Funeral directors are the first ones to discarded these coaches when they get to old in junk yards and barns to rot and people like us saving them and restoring them. Alot of nice old coaches these days were found and restored by people like us and then bought by one of those guys later. If you looovvve your coaches so much don't send it to rot, donate it to a person like me. Again think of all the Hearse saved by us from the junk yards and barns. How many Hearses owned by the PCS members were discarded like trash and then bought by us and fixed up then resold back to them. Funny isn't it. I don't know just ranting

