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Serious Procar Withdrawal...

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  • Serious Procar Withdrawal...

    Withdrawal is especially bad today I am no doubt somewhat regretting selling my beloved Mable. But it went to a fantastic home, and deep down, i wanted an older coach, pre-68 preferably a pre-64. But I'm pretty certain i cant afford one. At least not one in the shape of my 69, or close even.

    Hell i even went and asked about a coach behind a funeral home here that's been setting. Its an 87 Lincoln. Its pretty enough. The FD told me it was available months ago, but its a Lincoln... Saw him today and asked. He said times are tough for him. With him leasing hearses if he cant make his lease he falls back on the Lincoln now. I'm glad really, i shouldn't settle. I need a Cadillac hearse in my life. I feel empty.

    Think its time to slap a For sale sign on my 1986 Mustang GT 5.0 5 speed...

    Something about these old Cadillac hearses just enthralls me. Its not the attention. Not the stares. Not the questions and comments. Nor the creepiness or amusement. Its the beauty. The art. The craftsmanship. The dignified elegance of a Cadillac funeral coach. I don't mind seeing a hearse decked out with skulls and flames and the such. I'm very much a "to each their own" kinda guy. But for me, its a stock coach. Striking black paint so deep it appears as if you could dive into it. Blinding chrome and stainless. Hubcaps wrapped inside of a 3" white wall. A casket floor so glossy it reflects the headliner. The type of coach that commands respect when your in its presence.

    I'm afraid this coach isn't in my stars. I'm after the faded, neglected, sun baked black paint. Chrome thats luster has long been tarnished. A coach that is slowly sucombing to the elements. Merely a shell of its once glorious former self. Yearning to once more to be loved and respected.

    Man I'm glad you guys are here to listen to this. I must sound like a maniac. The ole lady would commit me if i leaked these feelings to her haha!!! Ill have a coach soon. I have to.

    Talk to you guys soon!

  • #2
    I know what you mean. My car died at my friend's house in December. Her boyfirend was supposed to work on it and took forever. At least I've saved money on gas. Last I heard it's on jack stands and being worked on at his friend's house after we hired a tow truck to move it there a month ago. Apparently they had to make the break line.

    Just sayin', I feel your pain. I've already missed three cruises this year so far and am going nuts!


    • #3
      Smooth, lets chatt about the 63 Superior, Limo style I just picked up. I'll have the motor running, and iits a complete car. 3,000 takes it home


      • #4
        Hey Pyro, i might take you up on that chat. I honestly prefer a landau, but i was mere inches from pulling the trigger on the 64 limo style Atti posted that was in NC for $2500. 63-64 are gorgeous in any form really, but i love the landaus. Shipping from AZ to VA would hurt im sure. Check your PM's for my contact info. Id love some pics of her. If shes what im after maybe we can work something out. Maybe ill try to sell the stang and call around and get shipping quotes...


        • #5
          You uh... You considered writing novels? :P


          • #6
            If you think this is long you should have seen some of Morella's posts!!!


            • #7
              Haha, Nah, Wasn't long, per say, just very detailed! Not a bad thing though, i didn't mind it. Well written!


              • #8

                It may not be immediately clear what's goin on in this picture, but that's the new owner taking possession of my 86 GT...

                Stay tuned!


                • #9
                  thank god that 86 is gone, them things are crap!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chestypuller View Post
                    thank god that 86 is gone, them things are crap!
                    Lets take it easy lol. Yea alot of people aren't fond of the 79-93 fox mustangs. However one must face the facts that they are one of the most influential performance cars of all time. Right there with the 64 GTO.

                    In a time of fuel crunches, and just plain awful automobiles, ford put the excitement back in the "average joe" level car market. I wont go on a huge rant, but without the fox Mustang, the aftermarket, and muscle car market wouldn't be where it is today. I have owned 17 Fox mustangs. I'm a firm believer that they are the greatest car ever made, and i will physically fight anyone that says otherwise haha! I love all cars. I've owned them all from Chevy to ford from Packard to hupmobile. No car has ever floored me like my 1990 Mustang GT convertible. The fastest car ever made? Not by no means. Prettiest? That's my opinion lol. Best handling? Nope.

                    But if you want a car with 230 HP, has no weight to it, 300 Ft/Lbs of tire scorching torque, handles very competitively, is cheap to maintain, restore, and hop up, has an extensive aftermarket, and is an all around wonderful car, check out a Fox mustang. Get one while you can. Prices for good clean original examples have risen substantially and i dont see them dropping anytime soon.

                    This is my baby. I've had her since i was 16. As of parking it at work today she has 298,846 miles. On the original engine, thats never been into. I've replaced the radiator, couple alternators, a starter, a water pump, and a few other odds and inns. I am on my 3rd trans tho this one professionally built and its been in since 06.

                    Last edited by SmoothNlow; 07-17-2012, 08:02 AM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SmoothNlow View Post
                      I'm a firm believer that they are the greatest car ever made, and i will physically fight anyone that says otherwise haha!
                      I've gotten lots of enjoyment and even some work out of it, I hardly ever get pulled over for anything, and the only thing that ever gets stolen is the hood ornament. My grandfather has offered to buy me a car and I turn him down all the time and I flat out refuse to own/drive anything else.

                      If it's not a hearse it's shit. Now where you want to meet at?

                      Now the greatest hearse ever made is up for debate. I really don't mind as long as it hauls bodies and is made by Cadillac.


                      • #12
                        i think its embarassing they even called them mustangs.


                        • #13
                          I firmly disagree with you. That is all. Its "embarrassing" by the way.


                          Last edited by SmoothNlow; 07-17-2012, 11:16 PM. Reason: i sounded like a dick


                          • #14
                            haha im just messing around with ya man! no need to get um in a bunch.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by chestypuller View Post
                              haha im just messing around with ya man! no need to get um in a bunch.

                              Haha! Well played my friend, well played. I wasn't looking forward to a trip to Alaska! Gorgeous coach by the way! I was checking out your thread. Very nice 64.

