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Negative Feedback

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  • Negative Feedback

    While I know there are also some really good reactions, I am curious and sure it happens often enough.
    As hearse drivers, what's the worst comment you've gotten solely for driving a hearse and how often does it happen for you?
    Last edited by CoffinWorm; 05-31-2013, 12:07 PM.

  • #2
    the worst reactions i've gotten were usually from home owners associations. i had the president of one HOA pay me a personal visit one time.


    • #3


      • #4
        I have had many negative reactions to Elvira, the worst a few years back, when I ran a service station, the only one in a small town here in Wyoming, and had the reverend of the local church tell me that owning and driving her was sacreligious, and that it was an abomination to have her parked at my place of business. It seems every where I have lived the neighborhood asks me to keep her in the garage or covered up.


        • #5
          i definitely think secure out-of-sight parking is the way to go.


          • #6
            I have a driveway full! The neighbors are fine with them but you can tell they tread lightly when speaking concerning any negative remarks. Lol The only time I have had negative feedback was when I want to cause a stir and cruise the area retirement homes. The residents think its "cool, hilarious and some think the cars are pretty", even gave a few rides, pre-mortem. The staff on the other hand, not happy, not amused, a tad disturbed. However the residents win that battle and the cruising will still happen from time to time just to see them laugh.

            Next time I give rides I will post a picture with all the grannies and gramps clown car'd in one of my coaches. =) The elderly have a very good wit about impending death.


            • #7
              Sounds like good times! Hahaha
              That's hilarious.


              • #8
                i wanna see them old geezers in the hease!


                • #9
                  Outside of a few people literally turning around & running away because they were afraid of the car, there's only one "negative" response I have had. Was visiting the parents' of one of my friends and I guess all the neighbors saw the car & assumed the worst. Week later one of the neighbors calls up my friend and gave him quite the lecture about how "no son of hers would be allowed to... park such a car... in front of HER house" etc etc.

                  Aparently half the town knows his parents, and found out that the car was there the one night. People were calling them for weeks asking who died. But now everyone knows the car so whenever they see it its no big deal.

