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My comments on the PCS

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  • My comments on the PCS

    Not like I haven't said enough on the subject, but I wanted to clarify something here. I have talked a lot of crap about the club known as the Professional Car Society and while I am not retracting my statements, I do want to clarify some things.

    I have been all across the board with that club. When I first tried to join and lend a hand I got nothing but derision. I realize that to someone who doesn't know my background with them I probably sound like a snarky, petty bastard who is just fixated on their downfall. Anyone who knows me personally, and who has been present for any of the headaches and harrassment that I have endured during my process of attemtping to help that club will tell you, my anger is justified, if not a little pronounced. I mean, I've never in my life had to deal with so much crapola as a result of trying to be a part of a social organization. No, I'm not talking little things either, I am talking death threats (no kidding, actual death threats) threats of legal prosecution, public defamation of character and utlimately the loss of thousands of dollars when I hosted an international meet for their organization which many of them boycotted out of spite. In another turn of fate with my meet that I hosted one official in the PCS re-negotiated my contract with the motel on my behalf without my knowledge or permission which caused us to get a really crappy contract with the hotel wherein the numerous rooms we needed were no longer free, costing me thousands extra in rental costs. They promised reimbursement for some of my incurred costs which they never delivered either.

    So why, many people have asked me, did I choose to stick around for so long if this club sucked so badly? Well, a couple of reasons. One is that I absolutely refuse to be strong armed out of a situation. To me a big part of it was that I was damned if I would be forced out because someone thought I would back down due to their harrassment. I believed that backing down would just solidify someones belief that it's OK and effective to bully people around and I did not want to reward that mindset by proving it right. So, I stuck around partially out of spite and the fact that I knew I was shaving off months of certain members lifespans just by being present. The other reason is that they do have some nice cars and there are some great freaking people mixed in with that club who I really am glad I met. The club isn't all bad, it's just in some ways rotten beyond economic repair.

    Honestly, I don't mean to sound like a pompous ass who is rejoicing in someone elses misfortune, and to be perfectly frank, I don't find pleasure in watching someone else's dream, no matter how they treated me. I'm being sincere when I say that, I thought about it and found that despite it all, I didn't like seeing them have these problems and more to the point, I didn't like being the kind of person who rejoiced in it. Part of me actually wants to try to help them, to tell them how to fix their problems. Their club is all screwed up right now and if there is one thing I know, it is how to reassemble a shattered, non functioning club. Demon and I did it with the DHA years ago. I have had my share of failures and I know how to fix them from my own screwups. Thing is, I have extended my hand in friendship too many times and had it spit on, so now I am of the "To hell with them" mindset.

    As I see it, they wouldn't listen if I told them they needed to address their internal problems instead of sweeping it under the rug, that they need to listen to members concerns no matter who the member is, that they need to not only accept youthful members, but encourage them to join, no matter how they dress or what their car is like, and most importantly they need to freaking contemporize. Get with the times, figure out which trends are just fads and which ones are actually upcoming traditions. They want everything to stay in 1972 forever and it isn't happening. They won't change anything because they are certain that their vaunted values are going to be enough to sustain the club and that no form of promotion or further effort is needed to stay competitive.

    Another problem they have is the fact that I am not the only person that they have treated poorly. Pretty much if you are a hearse club outside of the PCS, you have received their condescending harassment at some point. At every meet of theirs I have ever gone to I have watched as they turned away people who did not meet their criteria. They used to have a saying for people who wanted to join their club and did not fall into the neat little box the PCS wanted them to conform to, it was "Well if you don't like it, go start your own club" so we did.

    The outcasts formed Dead Ends, NHAA, Grim Rides, Phantom Coaches, what did the PCS say? "Good, who cares" because as they saw it, they had over 2,000 members internationally. Who cares if 25 people in Colorado or Georgia didn't join, they had over 2,000. But then a funny thing happened, they pissed off and turned away more people, and now pretty much every state has a "Little" hearse club of about 25 people or so who won't commerce with the PCS and we're adding up, slowly but surely. We're detracting from the members they COULD have had if not for their arrogance. One of my favorite sayings is "So neglect becomes our ally" and that was what happened here. They created enemies that would have gladly been comrades, we defected and grew while they just grew stagnant and rested on the laurels of their current status. There is evidence of this in the fact that our message board moves much faster than the PCS board, heck, HearseCon is not as big as some of the PCS meets but every year we gain another 10 cars. In 5 years at this rate we will be breaking their records. I guess the central point is, they neglected us, now we are the impending threat that is detracting from them and adding to their losses. We're not enough to sink them, but we're getting close and not even trying, we're just taking their advice and starting our own clubs.

    As for whether or not that club completely sinks or not, I think that even if they did, the good people, the ones who really just cared about hearses and communion with other enthusiasts would find their way to other clubs where they would be appreciated and welcomed. My statements were not directed at the good members of the PCS, they were intended for the rotting limbs of the PCS. I was not advocating that we ostracise the open minded members of that club who might be seeking to join the NHAA and see what we have to offer, if that were the case I'd be no better than the PCS was when I tried to come to them. So yeah, only speaking for myself here but I would welcome anyone from that club who wanted to be a contributing member of the NHAA.

    Thanks for listening to the tirade, I appreciate it.

  • #2
    Zach for a spiked hair leather wearing freak that drives a bat winged hearse, you have do have a way with the english langauge. No matter if it is your explaination above or a full on rant, you do have a unique spin on words. You tend to make laugh and think at the same time.

    As I have said before if you talk one on one with most of the members, they are great people and a few bent over backwards to help me buy my 68 Pontiac. But on the boards and as a group they seem to lose sight of what would make a bigger and better club. There are 2000 strong, how many members do all the other clubs have? I was going to say we should all join the PCS, but changing thier club to fit us is no better than them pushing thier rules on us. We have taken the higher ground and made them a forum and invited them to come here and be part of the big hearse community as a whole. Hopefully the great members of the PCS will not be swayed, bullied, outcasted or give in to the pressure of the PCS and come over here and join us in our enjoyment of our coaches and each other's company.
    The ball is in thier court now, hopefully things will get better in the PCS and between the clubs and the PCS. We, as hearse owners, are too small a group, when campared to other clubs, to be divided and have it detract from the overall enjoyment of our hobby.


    • #3
      I think you're forgetting that this is the NHAA. We've got many smaller clubs as a part of the larger association just as the PCS has small chapters that make up the whole club. Maybe we don't all share the NHAA moniker but I view other clubs in the NHAA as allies. The NHAA isn't invasive and doesn't really impose it's own rules either other than a few baseic sane ones that all clubs should subscribe to.

      The PCS can do whatever they want. I've never been to one of their events nor do I plan to. I have a hard enough time with the core members of JHA talking trash about our club (although that's died down a bit at least from what I've heard). I've really got no problem with any of them though because they've never shunned us at any events. I can't really say anything bad about the PCS either though because I've never even gone to any of their events (nor do I plan to unless they change their ways).

      I'm just happy we're not a bike club because the shit storm of things we'd have to deal with at that point would be X100^100. I'm not really looking to "rumble" with anyone but I will if pushed hard enough (luckily that will probably never happen). I wouldn't mind some form of club house though with a large parking lot in a nice low crime area, but I also don't want to charge any dues. I'm getting off track again.

      I don't blame you for your comments Zach. You have way more of a right to trash talk the PCS than I do, and I probably do it more often just because of what I've heard about them makes me angry so I do it just on principle.

      I guess that about sums it up.


      • #4
        Zach, I agree with you on your above statements and can see we're alot alike. We've met & enjoy the friendship of alot of the PCS members, but we remain "on the fence" with them as a whole because of the way things are handled or said sometimes. Man the hearse scene here in Ohio is DEAD... we are few & far between. The hearse "hot spots" are Georgia, Texas, & Colorado but luckily the Ohio hearse owners I know... as a whole have proven to be good online friends. The Ohio chapter of the PCS has been very receptive of me online & have invited me to all their hearse events this coming season. The subject came up recently on PCS boards of starting a "modified" chapter which continued into the subject of what's allowed, accepted, and banned in the PCS. Hey, this will be easier... straight from the PCS board:
        Brady, it's not that we who make a few mods to our coaches are banned, it's that
        we don't feel WELCOME sometimes by the masses. That's the point Frank is making.
        I love my hearse & the only mods i've made to it is Flowmaster duals out the
        back, a set of Torque-Thrust wheels & tires, & a CD player. To me a hearse is a
        classy, elegant vehicle, a show of respect to the fallen. No i don't participate
        in the ghoulish props, making a mockery of the deceased is tacky to say the
        least in my opinion. A "modified" chapter would make us feel more welcome in the
        PCS. When I say we don't sometimes feel welcome i'm referring to online comments
        by "purist" restoration guys who make little digs about everything not being as
        it was the day it left the coach builder. Now don't get me wrong, I have always
        had a passion for professional cars and will continue be an active member in the
        PCS. The Ohio chapter is full of great people who welcomed me in & i'm looking
        foreward to a summer of outings with them as well as the meet in Flint. The mods
        I made to my hearse please me, and also it makes professional cars appeal to the
        younger crowd, therefore sparking an interest that'll spread to future
        generations of procar owners while explaining the history & class of these
        beautiful vehicles. If you don't like our modified coaches... keep
        walking & don't criticize is all we ask, we're proud of our rides too.
        Upon posting this I was replied to by none other than Brady Smith, the organizer of the 2009 PCS international meet in Flint Michigan:
        I am happy you are planning to come to Flint. I will do all in my power, as will the rest of the chapter, to see that you have a GREAT time.
        I wanted to post this to show you my perception that they are TRYING to broaden their horizons and to show you there's a voice out there that won't be silenced & in my own way i'm trying to open peoples minds to "modified" coaches. The PCS democracy battles exhaust me and yes they are in turmoil right now from what i've read. The PCS logo was dropped from their former online host site and they have opened another website "the friends of the PCS" and are trying to regroup due to all the turmoil. Alot of you have heard bits & pieces of it, but as only being a "registered member" to the PCS and not a dues-paying member my web access is limited and truthfully I want no part of DRAMA. Anyways... just wanted to let everyone know that i'm not a narc or someone that jumps between sites & gets shit stirred up. I hate drama & won't get involved in it or cause it. I love the NHAA, i'm here most every day before work & when I get home at night & love it here. Zach... I liked your new Hearsecon video & laughed my ass off at it! Very cool production & well put together. Love that '59 too Kitkong! Thanx for letting Zach use it! Just so ALL of you know my faith is with NHAA and in my own way i'm attempting to open people's eyes to modified coaches and the acceptance of them. As posted on the PCS board above "If you don't like our modified coaches... keep
        walking & don't criticize is all we ask, we're proud of our rides too." BTW... here's a pic of the new coach... after some mods by yours truly of course...

        Thanx for reading another "two cents worth" everyone... -Dwayne


        • #5
          Who knows what will happen with their club as a whole. I did always enjoy going to their meets personally. I mean, I dig driving hundreds of miles in an old car and arriving at a hotel to see other old hearses and ambulances. Despite politics, I still intended to go to Michigan to take part again this year.

          At any rate, I got an email from Dean explaining a little more in depth the state of the message board. I will say this, a lot of my statements I have made about Dean were wrong and he is moving forward with the board in a really excellent direction. Not like he needed my endorsement or anything, I just wanted to say that.


          • #6
            Until they define what they are all about, they suck.
            If they are all about "restoration/original/unmodified" coaches and procars, they should say so and stay that way. If they want to cater to those folks, cater to those folks. If they want to cater to all people that own procars, they should allow/permit/endorse those of us that believe these cars are ours and deserve our personal touches just as much as the purists.

            As far as their website, screw that place. It's not for me, so I don't go there.

            As far as their membership...well, just like the rest of real life, it is a mix of all types. Some folks are accepting, some are assholes that think they are better than everyone else because of what they do/own/drive. The latter group can suck a PBR weekend shit from my spincter muscle. The former group is what our passion is all about.

            We all drive and own our cars for different reasons and as long as we all accept that, the good karma will flow to us like water on some teenager's nipples at a spring break wet T-shirt contest!

            Zach, do whatchya gotta do. You're one of the good guys that makes our passion cool and fun. To do/act any other way would be a big fat drag.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zachary View Post
              Who knows what will happen with their club as a whole. I did always enjoy going to their meets personally. I mean, I dig driving hundreds of miles in an old car and arriving at a hotel to see other old hearses and ambulances. Despite politics, I still intended to go to Michigan to take part again this year.

              At any rate, I got an email from Dean explaining a little more in depth the state of the message board. I will say this, a lot of my statements I have made about Dean were wrong and he is moving forward with the board in a really excellent direction. Not like he needed my endorsement or anything, I just wanted to say that.

              Interesting turn of events.

              I logged on over there today for the first time in months to look something up, and saw all the changes that have been made. Oddly enough, a number of the changes that have been made are things I proposed a year and a half ago, which got everybody screaming about how I shouldn't just come in there and try to change things. I will say that Dean has always been very friendly and diplomatic to me, and while I think he saw some merit in what I was saying he couldn't really take it any further than that. Apparently things have changed. It always seemed to make sense to me that anyone should be able to take part in a technical discussion, as there is only positive energy to be gained from that, but for over a year I and others were unable to post in technical threads without being a site supporter. Maybe they'll find that they get more support by allowing people to participate more freely, rather than charging for their services.


              • #8
                another PCS message board

                There is another message board called "Friends Of The Professional Car Society" I'm not sure, but I think a lot of the people didn't like the changes and started there own message board. I looks like the "old" message board is becoming more excepting of all procars, modified or stock. Just my opinion. I don't know what's going on.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Abnorml View Post
                  There is another message board called "Friends Of The Professional Car Society" I'm not sure, but I think a lot of the people didn't like the changes and started there own message board. I looks like the "old" message board is becoming more excepting of all procars, modified or stock. Just my opinion. I don't know what's going on.
                  Looks like Paul Steinberg runs the new board, and is no longer a mod on the old one. Maybe him and Dean had a falling out?

                  The revamped old board looks like it might be worth checking out again, and the new board looks like everything I disliked about the old one. We'll see...


                  • #10
                    That's my take on it too guys... that has opened themselves up to coaches of all types according to their notation that shows up now upon visiting the site. We'll have to wait & see what happens... i'm a registered user to that site but still locked out of posting Photos, etc. (same as it was with the PCS involvement) so i'm not sure what they're doing either. Yes, Paul is building the new PCS site. Things are looking good here on NHAA, seems every time I visit (several times a day) we have new members noted at the bottom of the screen who have just joined NHAA. Alot is changing around us, yet the NHAA continues to grow & that's a GREAT thing!

