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The story behind the hearse video and pictures!

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  • The story behind the hearse video and pictures!

    So I ended up taking quite a few pictures of Desiree and Natasha the day we filmed the HearseCon ad and posted them to my journal. You can read the story behind the filming (which did not even go close to the way it had been planned!) by clicking the link below. Sorry, too damned lazy to repost it in its entirety here!

  • #2
    I applaud thee... Bravo!


    • #3
      OK, now I'm sure of it. It's your fault that I turned into a lesbo.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Morella View Post
        OK, now I'm sure of it. It's your fault that I turned into a lesbo.
        Funny you should mention that, I have, on two seperate occasions, been "The Guy" who was, you know, a struggling lesbians last effort at heterosexuality.

        I'm not sure how that exactly works in someone's mind, but they were like "Ok, I am going to go for this guy and if it doesn't do it for me, I am totally trying women next" which I guess in in some sort of way is a compliment. I was in some way, a chosen representative from the world of hetero sex, even if I apparently failed in my charge on two occasions! (not implying that lesbianism is a failure by any means, I fully believe that it is a rare and awesome thing)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Zachary View Post
          not implying that lesbianism is a failure by any means, I fully believe that it is a rare and awesome thing
          YES IT IS!!!!!


          • #6
            I'm not sure how that exactly works in someone's mind, but they were like "Ok, I am going to go for this guy and if it doesn't do it for me, I am totally trying women next"
            OK, many people won't believe this, but I've been semi-active in the lesbian community for many years, and I have found that most lesbians were abused by their fathers, and it has become a power issue, or a fear of men.

            That isn't the story with me, though. I'm just not attracted to a man's body. An encounter with a man is usually an urge to be dominated, and a male who shows weakness does nothing for me. They are usually unclean and smell bad to me as well.

            Women are attractive to me, like fine art to a critic, and much more appreciative all of the affection and attention that I can give them. I can open up and talk about my feelings, or take delight and give comfort in listening to theirs. I can, literally, spend hours with a woman, even if it's just cuddling and talking, with or without sexual intercourse, whereas, as much as they brag, men usually just want to effect a breach, are usually done in five minutes, and then roll over and go to sleep. They might as well pleasure themselves, except that they tell me that a vagina feels better than their hands. They are following basic drives, rather than an appreciation of me as a person who wants to share love and affection. When they say that they "would like to watch two women together", what they really want is something that they're seen in a porno film, and they only want to see it long enough to pull their puds.

            Unfortunately, nature played a sick joke on me, as it often does, and made me big, tall, and twisted, and that is what people see, instead of what is on the inside. When I see beautiful women, I want to look like them, to be with them, or both.



            • #7
              I dont think its all that rare, not around my house anyhow, but it is awesome.
              Originally posted by Zachary View Post
              (not implying that lesbianism is a failure by any means, I fully believe that it is a rare and awesome thing)


              • #8
                I think that while you are correct about the origins of some lesbians, I think it is a demographic that is going to change somewhat in the future.

                Most of the girls I know who like girls these days are just into chicks for more basic reasons, not through any turbulence so to speak.

                It's not going to happen tomorrow by any means, but I see a far more relaxed attitude towards sexuality in the newer generations that I think will ultimately lead to a society in which orientation is no longer a huge issue and it boils down more to aesthetics than any other factor.

                Now, there's no shortage of bullshit that the current generation has to deal with if they are gay, not saying they have it easy but it's nothing compared to previous generations and their struggles. I mean, you can at least be out now, but I think a lot of people have a hard time imagining an era where it was a secret that had to be concealed at all cost.

