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A simple photo shoot...not

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  • A simple photo shoot...not

    So yesterday I had a simple little photo shoot planned for the afternoon with a friend acting as our model. We wanted to have some pretty CCW girls on our web site too (nod to Zack and his killer site). I had scouted out a few locations to take as background shots a couple of days earlier. What was planned as a simple session turned into a three ring circus. Heres a brief summery of how it went down.

    Day one. Took the wife with me on our anniversary night to look at possible locations. After a few let downs we decided on two good ones. I figure we would do it on a Sunday afternoon so no businesses would be bothered by us out back taking pictures.. (Lesson learned) 1. Parking garages ALWAYS have security nearby. Nice idea but you need permission from property management for the photo shoot. Good luck there...
    2. Make sure you kick the homeless out of the dumpster BEFORE you throw away lose trash on the set. WOW!
    3. Taking your wife out after dinner to look for spots is ok so long as it is not on your anniversary night. (Hey after 19 years together, I didn't think she would still want to do that!)

    Day two. I figured I would let my webmaster do the photo taking and my wife to do the hair and makeup. Shay (my webmaster) has an eye for photography and know's what I like. My wife loves makeup and hair..and it gets her out of mine for the time being. I was in charge of props, ladders, drinks, and misc. stuff needed for the shot.
    1. Wife wants to take pictures too. Ok how about the behind the scenes shots? Nope..her camera her last word. She's not happy unless she's taking the pictures...time to get a second camera.
    2. Trying to figure out all the different poses I would like to see done. That involves going online and searching pages on pages of girls and car photos. Believe it or not you can get really side tracked doing that..
    3. Making a list of items needed for the day of the shoot. Well being the first time at this, I was kinda winging it.

    Photo Day! Turns out my love for working all the time made me forget that it was Easter Sunday. Whoops. Called the "model" to see if it was still ok with her. All's well, meet us at 3pm.
    2:45 and my web master and wife are still fiddle fucking around. Lets Go! I decide to leave first to set up. They will meet the model at a central location and then have her follow them into the spot we are to set up at. We should be an hour tops!
    1. The first location is in direct sunlight. Note to self: next time scout the sites during the daytime hours. On to the second location.
    2. Wife calls to tell me the model is running late. 45 minutes late...
    3. Second location is fine with shade in all the right spots. No open businesses to worry about ether. Looks like a go!
    3.1 In lew of security systems,now business owners use dogs. They unlike security systems do not turn off after a few minutes of barking.
    4. Have to clean the area up a bit before my star arrives... broken pallets, glass, needles. No problem but make sure you announce yourself as you approach the seemingly empty dumpster. Like our Diamondback Rattle snakes, homeless people are most dangerous when startled and they like to sun themselves in the dumpsters behind buildings.
    5. Our star arrives and announces she wants certain pictures to be taken for her husband with his guitars. What ever, I have lots of storage on my.. wifes camera.
    6. What seemed like a good picture in your head doesn't always turn out to be a good idea on film...or memory card...whatever.
    7. Make sure you have a place for her to change into the different outfits she brought. Even when they are "Exotic Dancers" their still shy.
    8. Bring your list! No check your list BEFORE you drive to the location. Bringing your list to the shoot only reminds you what you forgot to bring.
    9. Make sure you bring something to clean the cars body panels off after each time the model brushes against it. I don't know what fairy dust she had on her but it rubbed right off on my gloss black hood. Several photos lost because of a butt print here or a hand print there.
    10. Models do not drink water from a plastic jug filled outside of a grocery store. Pour it into a bottle with a cap first. Then make it appear that you just opened a fresh bottle for her.
    11. Make sure everyones has gone to the bathroom first...
    12. Have an errand boy ready to drive back home to get the stuff on the list you forgot to bring. Make sure he is ok with seeing a half naked woman walking around.
    13. Make sure you wife is ok with a half naked woman walking around.
    14. Wear lose fitting pants.
    15. just keep your moth closed on the shots. Let the two girls taking them do the bickering. No sense you opening a mouth to a deaf ear.
    16. Take a huge amount of photos. Shotguns are good for the person who doesn't know how to aim. Having over 500 pictures from three different cameras helps nail that one shot your looking for.
    17. Make sure the model is not smiling all the time and looking directly into the camera on all shots. This simple smile can turn an otherwise perfect once-in-a-lifetime shot fail.
    17.1 Make sure the model is not looking up at the sky for skylab to fall on her too. Just look away from the camera. Thats why they say "Watch the birdie"
    18. Do not try and make the model stop smiling by offering to say something mean to piss her off. It just doesn't work out well.
    19. Keep the props to a minimum. They only look like toys on film.
    20. Never put a deadline on how long the photo shoot should take. It only increases the time it actually takes.

    Now after all is said and done. The photos are in the can and your now on your merry way home to quickly go through the pictures, figure about another 8 hours of sorting and turning the pictures you've just taken. Not to mention the hours it is going to take to photo shop the ones unto something you'l like.

    My hat is off to Zack for making this whole monthly photo shoot look so easy. It is by far easy. I now look at other web sites with girls and cars with a somewhat different attitude now. I can't even begin to wrap my head around a video shoot...someone hand me my pills...

  • #2
    I thought you were gonna say you got home and realized you didnt take the lens cap off...


    • #3
      Originally posted by randyaz View Post
      I thought you were gonna say you got home and realized you didnt take the lens cap off...
      Gone are those days...however it is really easy to accidentally erase all your pictures while transferring them to your hard drive.


      • #4
        So where are these pictures you had to labor so much over?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
          So where are these pictures you had to labor so much over?
          Like I said, I have over 600 pictures to go through. Then I need to photochop them, submit them to the model for approval and then put up on our website for next months Feature "CCW Girls". This takes some effort. More than I thought it would at least. I can possible give you all a sneak peek at one I guess.


          • #6
            I sure I speak for all the dudes here (and a few chicks) that we eagerly await the full series!


            • #7
              Well thanks man, glad you dig the pictures I sometimes get around to doing!

              Looking great so far man, by the way, I have found that you can take hand prints off by using the clone stamp and setting it to anywhere from a 30 to 60% opacity depending on the shot. Just clone a nearyby area that matches.

              And yeah, you are damned right on the whole sorting thing! It takes forever when you are staring at 15 nearly identical shots to decide which one is SLIGHTLY better than all the rest!

              Good job though, looking forward to the whole set.


              • #8
                Well after almost a month we have finally picked 15 pictures to post. The models name is Janelle. She is a "Dancer" at a local mens house of worship. She had never done anything like this before so be easy on her photos. I have leaned a lot from the fist of many photo shoot. I look forward to doing this an a monthly basis. I have lined up on of the famous Suicide Girls for a month or two away. One of the perks of owning the web site. I'm also thinking of posting a behind the sences slide show too. She used to be a gymnist and did some crazy things on my hood! [IMG][/IMG]

                Check it out and let me know what you think. Even if it is to say change this or move that, it all helps me in the end.

       click on Mays tombstone.


                • #9
                  Very Nice.

                  It's always good to see new pictures of hot chicks with hearses. Keep up the good work.


                  • #10
                    Oh I would have to totally agree with the "very nice" I think I like the third shot in the series the best... Just me thinkin'.....
                    Last edited by Highbars; 05-07-2009, 10:18 PM. Reason: don't know what the hell that was ..


                    • #11
                      Another vote for third shot being best - lighting, composition, angle...all work. Even the cement lines echo body lines. Also, a good photographer makes a short model look taller, as seen here. Well done.

                      Side note: My slightly more PC term for 'dancer' is peeler.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Atti View Post
                        Side note: My slightly more PC term for 'dancer' is peeler.
                        I had to be careful with her on that subject. She may seem small but she has the bite of a Great White!

                        Thanks for the comments. I have now lined up a "Suicide Girl" for a future shot. Woo Hoo...


                        • #13
                          haha, peeler, that's what they call them in


                          • #14
                            I'm flattered

                            Originally posted by Atti View Post
                            Another vote for third shot being best - lighting, composition, angle...all work. Even the cement lines echo body lines. Also, a good photographer makes a short model look taller, as seen here. Well done.
                            That one's mine!


                            • #15
                              I sure I speak for all the dudes here (and a few chicks) that we eagerly await the full series!
                              We aren't thinking of anyone in particular, are we?


