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Finally got Destiny off trailer....

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  • Finally got Destiny off trailer....

    Destiny hasn't run in five years...... Replaced the fuel tank..Had to make a framework for it and mount the assembly in the frame..Got spark out of the coil after cleaning points and regapping... but during the test for spark ended up removing the left valve cover and pounding back into shape as it ignited crankcase fumes and bent 5 of the 9 bolts holding the cover on...It was loud as hell.... replaced fuel lines and brake lines.... Fired up easily... after some adjustments and run time she was running smooth.... Time to see how she goes down the road....Great... rides nice .. steering good... plenty of power... in fact she is back down for repair.... Broke a motor mount on the second burn out....Some one said they got pics.... did it in front of the church....will have to see if they will let me have them...NAPA had the mounts... not in stock but the next day.... Can't wait... More burn-outs... Night burn-outs in front of the bar... with a cop car in sight... I will work on that....and post 'em if I get em...but "The Boy" wants his 4-wheeler fixed so I will do that first....

  • #2
    Stream of consciousness - gotta respect it. =)

    That is awesome that she is on the road - can you 'splain the crankcase fumes/valve cover fiasco?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Highbars View Post
      Destiny hasn't run in five years...... Replaced the fuel tank..Had to make a framework for it and mount the assembly in the frame..Got spark out of the coil after cleaning points and regapping... but during the test for spark ended up removing the left valve cover and pounding back into shape as it ignited crankcase fumes and bent 5 of the 9 bolts holding the cover on...It was loud as hell.... replaced fuel lines and brake lines.... Fired up easily... after some adjustments and run time she was running smooth.... Time to see how she goes down the road....Great... rides nice .. steering good... plenty of power... in fact she is back down for repair.... Broke a motor mount on the second burn out....Some one said they got pics.... did it in front of the church....will have to see if they will let me have them...NAPA had the mounts... not in stock but the next day.... Can't wait... More burn-outs... Night burn-outs in front of the bar... with a cop car in sight... I will work on that....and post 'em if I get em...but "The Boy" wants his 4-wheeler fixed so I will do that first....
      I think Ganci touched on this but, while your post made perfect sense, it was a pain in the ass to read. I glad you got your car running, and smoking tires but use alil more punctuation and sentence structure. Congrats on the car again.


      • #4
        IapologizeformywritingabilityandIhavebeenknowntobe apainintheassattimesbutitisallgood
        IamtryinganewstyleofwritingIhopeitwillbeeassiertor eadasyouwillnoticeithasnopunctuation


        • #5
          Originally posted by Highbars View Post
          IapologizeformywritingabilityandIhavebeenknowntobe apainintheassattimesbutitisallgood
          IamtryinganewstyleofwritingIhopeitwillbeeassiertor eadasyouwillnoticeithasnopunctuation

