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Ah fuck it.

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  • Ah fuck it.

    I already have internet Aids (Facebook- it's fashionable to give a shit about, there's no cure in sight, it started mostly with the gays and Billy Corgan is constantly updating us on it) and I've had internet herpes for a while (Myspace - highly irritating and people will reluctantly admit they have it when you press them over it) I figured I might as well contract internet crabs (A website that is centered around small, almost too small to notice irritants that still make you annoyed, and while you could get rid of it makes you feel less lonely in a strange sort of way)

    Chances are that there will be some hearse stuff on there too, or just angry crap that is too short to post elsewhere. And yes, I realize Twitter sucks balls. Feel free to add me there.

  • #2
    Got a link to Facebook? Dont have too many friends, lol.


    • #3
      damn.......i just got all these STD's this year....i dont use them much...dont need to...i got enough to do without checking my STD's...but i guess moving into the 2010's it is stylish to have such std's....

      lololol std's,,,,gonorreah is nothing to clap about,,,lolol


      • #4 is mine
        I deleted my twitter but the hearse club's is
        Last edited by Scary Guy; 02-12-2011, 10:58 AM.


        • #5
          lollz. that's some funny chit right thar.

