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As a hearse driver...who do you say "Fuck you" to?

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  • As a hearse driver...who do you say "Fuck you" to?

    I'm actually asking for a reason here, doing some research. I am curious, as a hearse driver, who or what do you pretty much roll your eyes at, have long involved fantasies involving evisceration or think/yell "Fuck you!" at?

    By way of example, my short list would be -

    SUV Drivers, people who ask if there is a dead body in the back, people who yell "Ghostbusters", gas prices, compact parking spaces, the PCS, fuel economy as a general concept, engines that are measured in litres and not cubic inches and home owners associations.

    What would be on your list?

  • #2
    Usually the folks that blow by me giving me the 180 degree stare......
    and the ones that don't have the balls to pull up next to me at a stop light!


    • #3
      Home owners associations would be #1, followed by anyone who calls it a "hurst," and people that i don't like who feel they need to put their hands all over the car.


      • #4
        That Fuck-head in the jacked up crew cab diesel who feels it is IMPERATIVE to waste $40.00 worth of fuel just to get in front of me in traffic and hit his brakes. Douchebag!


        • #5
          The Temecula Ca. City Council and the Temecula planning department, which used imaginary rules, to stop me from having some of my hearses. Any body else here ordered to remove a hearse from a licensed repair facility, where you had left it to be repaired, because it couldn't be started? Happened to me 3 times.


          • #6
            Everything up to this point in the thread. Even the things that don't affect me directly.

            Hearse discrimination in general for sure, cops that just want to be dicks because you look out of place or they just hate hearses. Funeral home owners who hate us for what we're doing (I had one tell me that he was very disappointed when it wasn't even my hearse at the time but Daisy's, the girl who I sold it to), when my grandma would make me park down the street because she didn't want people to think she died or something.


            • #7
              The ASS HOLE !!!!!!! funeral director who took me to court to have my plates revokt just because the were hearse plates and won !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ASSHOLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Also code enforcement FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                All of the above plus:

                The fast food joints that won't serve me if I pull up in a hearse.
                The charities that will not except donations if I show up in a hearse.
                And the shops that will not work on a hearse.


                • #9
                  Wow, I don't have any of those issues really.

                  Just the "T" thing drives me crazy, (there is no "T" in Hearse, you dumbass), and the "how do you drive it that low?" (Me: Ummmm, you can't, the body of the car is actually sitting on the ground right now, lol), as they look at you with this puzzled look on their face.
                  Last edited by Creepy Cruiser; 12-23-2010, 08:09 PM.


                  • #10
                    Home Owners Associations!

                    People that ask me if I know the guy in Walnut Grove next to the trailer.

                    People who say "must be nice!" about things that other people have earned.

                    People who blame others for all of their fuck ups in life.


                    • #11
                      Yuppie scum, posers & scene kids, slow drivers in left lane, guys that look like girls, and i'm not even talking trannies, anyone that asks stupid questions about the car {by the way, I got tires put on her the other day and the tech seriously asked me if the car was bulletproof (he was disappointed when I said no, should have lied)} old people, homo. associations of course, and definitely fuck the PCS... hmm what else ...loud out of control kids, Cadillac wiring, Ecto Magnums... etc.


                      • #12
                        SUV's or mini-vans with the stickers on the back window representing their spouse, offspring and pets!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Haroldfromhell View Post
                          SUV's or mini-vans with the stickers on the back window representing their spouse, offspring and pets!!!
                          yeah that has got to be the absolute worst of the worst. Surely someone has made little family coffin stickers to mock this. Anyone? Anyone? Shadow?


                          • #14
                            I have;


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Haroldfromhell View Post
                              SUV's or mini-vans with the stickers on the back window representing their spouse, offspring and pets!!!
                              Every time I see those I just want to cut the heads off of the parents.
                              I've seen the coffin ones and zombie family decals somewhere online.

