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more hearse discrimination

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  • more hearse discrimination

    well, back in March we did a club photoshoot at one of the local cemeteries and things got a little weird. we were taking some pics when some guy from the cemetery told us to move away from the street cuz we were causing traffic jams. hot girls posing with hearses tend to do that i guess. so we move to a more secluded place deeper inside the cemetery. as we are leaving, the cops show up and write us a ticket for trespassing saying we were told to leave and we didn't (which we never were). well, we go to court today and they dismissed the trespassing charge, but our club is offically banned from 6 area cemeteries. i think it's kinda funny mahself.

  • #2
    Wow... banned from the local cemeteries? Geez talk about UPTIGHT!


    • #3
      Have you asked what specific statute allows them to ban you? You are in a public cemetery with legal vehicles on which you pay taxes I'd assume. I bet if you pushed it they wouldn't have a leg to stand on.


      • #4
        The looks on People's faces in there was priceless, the other lawyers had pics of the Girls taken off Our website, almost busted out laughing while the lady judge was checking Them out.


        • #5
          The city prosecuters had the pics removed?


          • #6
            That sucks and is funny as hell at the same time.

            Way to give them hell!!!


            • #7
              I agree with Mohawk Freak. The only one who can ban you from the cemetery is the cemetery owner. I'd push the issue because that is grade A bullshit.


              • #8
                The cemetery owner was the one who banned us from all the cemeteries he owns.


                • #9
                  From what I understood, which is usually different from Everyone else, the deal was cut to drop the charges upon a plea deal from all of Us not to go back as a group. The Guy from the cemetary We was at wanted to hang Us and put all of Us on peacebonds. Many thanks to the laywers Who volunteered their time for the cause, wouldn't go for it. Where it gets weird was another owner, or a representaive, and Their lawyer caught wind of what happened. They showed up. We had put the fear of God in Them not wanting Us showing up in Their cemetaries. They were the Guys Who actually convinced the other one to drop the charges. We would have been banned from Metarie anyway I'm sure. That opened the doors for Us heading to the other Guy's cemetaries.The way the law read is Anyone is welcome untill You are asked to leave. I guess They can't watch all of Them all the time and kill it before it started. We already had been to 2 of Them and took pics earlier.


                  • #10
                    Man that is some serious bullshit. I'd go get buried elsewhere and suggest to my friends to do the same.

