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Even more hearse discrimination

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  • Even more hearse discrimination

    Well, it finally caught up to me. I planned on moving into a condo (bleh!) but when I went in to their management office to fill out paperwork, I was told no. Basically I had to fill out forms for them to do a background check, pay them $100 and then go before their board for an interview. One of the hens behind the desk asked what I drove and I said a 1980 Cadillac. "Oh, the hearse. Well, you might as well save your money, you won't make it past the board."

    Apparently they received many complaints and I'm not even allowed to drive my car on property. Which btw, I could care less - it's their property..whatevah. I really did not like the idea of paying these people $100 overinflated dollars for them to look into my background and then sit in front of some panel for them to "interview" me.

    So the other situation that caught up to me is that I've been asked not to park my car in the front of my office - because it doesn't represent the company well. Again...whatevah, so long as I have a place to park and I'm happy to point that out whenever there isn't and gosh...look at that space right up front!

    So now I have a room with a friend (another HOA) and I asked if it's ok for my car to be there - I'm told I'm a bit relived. I got in my car this morning and some lady approches and I we go. I opened my passenger window and she tells me that I have the coolest car she ever saw and if it was her's she'd be out in it all the time!

    ok that made my day.

  • #2
    yeah i had to park mine at a storage facility for a while because of the HOA - but then again i had a different daily driver


    • #3
      I thought about storage, but there was none nearby and then I would still have to get back and forth to work. After I save some money and look for a bigger's not going to be in an HOA.


      • #4
        same shit happened to me way back. My first hearse was a daily driver . The place i worked at made me park it around the back of the building, and it was just a crapy old factory. They used the same reason you got about representing the company. Years later a retail store i worked at did the same thing, but with them i refused to move it , and nothing happened. The hole street i live on tried to group and get me to get rid of it when i first got it. Again i stood my ground and nothing happened.

        Just goes with the territory.


        • #5
          that sucks. But at least u seem to have found a cool place for the interim.


          • #6
            People suck. Even if a hearse is not the car for you doesnt mean you have the right to tell me where I can park it. Now my friend that used to drive a rendering truck got complaints when parked in front of resturants but that is a horse of a diffrent color, roflol.


            • #7
              yeah im just waiting so i can tell people to suck it

