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Hearse held bogus arsenal

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  • Hearse held bogus arsenal

    The hearse left under the Palmetto Expressway Friday was filled with fake weapons, police said Saturday. No explosives were inside.

  • #2
    Lol I was just laughing about this on FB...funny story. Couldn't help but nitice that it just happened to be you 666th post too...nicee! Haha!


    • #3
      So it was pretty much exactly what I thought it was, them overreacting over nothing.

      I bet they planted the drugs.


      • #4
        Way to go America...I particularly like “We took this very seriously,” Boyd said. “The way it’s going in America with home-grown terrorists, we have to deal with threats like this the best we can.” yeeeees, because panicking, wasting tens of thousands of dollars in resources and loss of work for motorists is the BEST way to handle what was to any right thinking, nonfucktard, obviously NOT a vehicle you would use for a terrorist attack. Fucking dimwits.

        Anyways, looking forward to getting this article posted on my Facebook wall every 2 hours for the next year...greeeeeeeeat.


        • #5
          Zach check out this post

          As I said in the comments the amount of spin they put on that is outrageous and the headline still makes it sound like he planned the whole thing. I guess no one wants to actually come out and say "the cops fucked up and overreacted" which is exactly what they did.


          • #6
            That guy is a fucking fool. Rule #1: The sight of weapons in a car makes for a very nervous cop.
            He'd have been smart to lose the dope in the bushes, and stay with the car. If he'd have come out and told the first cop that pulled up that he had realistic looking fake weapons in the car and kept the cop from thinking he was a threat, he would have been fine.
            When a cop sees what looks like guns in a car, they don't know what to think. If you know what's good for you, you will use your head, because a nervous one might have an itchy trigger finger.


            • #7
              Sorry but what terrorist is going to leave (presumably) perfectly good working weapons in a car with explosives? Of course a lot of what you said is right on the money as well and people screw up all the time.

              In any case the original story said "four large dufflebags" so I'm not sure if they were actually "line of site" for the cop. I've seen stories of people shutting down train stations and entire city blocks just because someone left a package somewhere and forgot it, then people overreact and people get inconvenienced as a result.

              I still think it's possible the cops planted the drugs since it's not like that's never been done before.


              • #8
                The whole terrorist paranoia thing is played out. Every little piss ant volunteer fire house has some kind of fancy decontamination van to play with out here. Your tax dollars at work!
                If anything, I'd wonder if a person who had a rolling arsenal was planning some sort of massacre. Seems to be vogue these days.
                There was this guy last year over in the town I grew up in that went into the beer warehouse he got fired from and killed 8 or so people, then himself. Guns are fun to use, but they are bad news sometimes too.

