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Charlotte Auto Fair

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  • Charlotte Auto Fair

    Two of my friend's and myself took our hearses to the Charlotte Auto Fair. My friend Cassandra talked to someone that was suppose to be over the Auto Fair months ago. He told her, if we could guarantee 10 hearses we could be there as a club. Well we couldn't get 10 hearses. Cassandra has a friend with a car club, he saved us 3 tickets for our hearses. That is the back story, to tell the rest of the story.
    We meet up and got there about 7:30am. Got inside and rode around trying to find to where we were suppose to go. Finally got parked and wasn't parked 10 minutes and Cassandra said "We got to leave". We were escorted out, by golf carts, one in the first and one in the rear. She didn't tell us until we got back to her house why we were made to leave. She said some man said he was offended, because his wife died 3 days ago. I didn't hear anybody or I would have made sure someone was offended. We did nothing to offended anybody, we didn't have caskets in the back, no skulls. All our hearses that we had there were pretty much stock. We found out later that there was a 68 hearse painted like the ghostbuster car parked inside. Darrell the other hearse owner wrote an email to find out way we were made to leave, for no reason.
    This is the first time I have ever been asked or made to leave any car show or cruise in.

  • #2
    That's pretty shitty. I guess they should be fortunate his wife didn't die in a car wreck and he got butthurt at seeing so many automobiles in one place.

    I was there today and I hate I missed seeing some hearses. I did see an ambulance in black that looked to be fairly nice though.


    • #3
      Thats pretty's the world those of us who use caskets and skulls have known for a while. I've been thrown out of several shows...some Charity shows! But NEVER with my Ghostbuster Magnum...despite directly dealing with Ghosts...because the film was a comedy many would rather see that than a funeral car. I'm not aying it right...but that's what I've seen.
      Last edited by Chace; 08-28-2011, 04:11 AM.


      • #4
        Maybe He should have stayed Home mourning instead of being out at a car show. I can understand the pain, My best friend Dad's passed a few months ago, and I have not drivin the hearse to His house since. But to make Yall leave was BS. Here, all the shows want Us, especially as a group. Not enough of Us to go around.


        • #5
          I know for a fact there was a black 65 combo there and the ecto-1 clone. I'm sure they were not made to leave. I have seen hearses there before around the track and inside for sale. We were parked inside with other car clubs. I have been to the Auto Fair for many years and have never been inside where we were. You have to go inside two fences to get there. I don't know if I could have told someone how to get into where we were.
          I use to go to cruise in and set up a grave yard every month. I never heard a single negative comment. I have been told if I don't go to shows people will ask where I am. At some shows I will carry Marie around. This is a picture of Marie and my grave yard.

          Attached Files
          Last edited by Abnorml; 08-28-2011, 02:32 PM. Reason: added pictures


          • #6
            That's just crazy! And I saw Scott amsler posted they got kick out of a charity show at a cemetery this weekend too (on facebook). What the hell is up with all these petty people getting offended??


            • #7
              We had the same problem today. I found this in the newspaper last year and scanned it in, I resurrected it after the problems we had today.

              This is the 7th annual show (with venue change). We have had representation from our club at this show all seven years, but not anymore.

              Click here to see the flyer...

              Attached is the editorial comments from last year...WrongVenueForCars.jpg

              The story: This morning Baker and I arrived first. The car show people parked us in the spot that they have reserved for us the last 3 years (since they moved to this venue). As we parked, a representative showed up and bitched me out for parking there. Like it was my fault I parked there. I told her I was instructed to park there, and was working on moving, as she continued to bitch at me. I turned around and the car show people tried to park me along the back wall on the lot (they have a decorative concrete wall to isolate the property from the neighbors, maybe because they are easily offended). As I was parking along the wall, a different car show parking attendant directed baker into a regular spot. I called baker on the cell to fall back to where I was parking, but the attendant by Baker physically blocked him and told him to "stay where you are [he was]". I was directed to park next to him.

              I parked and walked up to the table where the funeral home bitch was. I explained to her that I was instructed to park where I was, and there was no need to get rude with me. I told her we had parked there every year we had been there. She told me that it was okay, because I didn't know any better, but the funeral home had gotten complaints, so they were no longer allowed to reserve a spot for us, or let us wait for the others to show up as they had in the past. I explained that we had people coming from over an hour away for this show, and the way they parked us would not allow us to park together. She got upset when I told her that based on the lack of organization, terrible attitudes, drama, and caving to the complaints that I had already placed calls and told those people not to worry about showing up. It is hard when a car show rolls the red carpet out for you for 6 years, and the 7th year gives you attitude because someone complained. When I can get my wit about me, I will be writing a letter to the funeral home and the editor of the newspaper that originally printed the editorial. What the person that wrote to the newspaper neglected to mention, is that all proceeds from that show go to a charity. In years past, we have had the largest group participation, which brings in money for charity What does the bitch that wrote the letter to the newspaper do for charity?


              • #8
                The letter writer also was complaining about the show as a whole. The funeral home zero'd in on the hearses specifically. When we pulled in this morning, there was a fucking vintage military TANK in the front row. Tanks kill people. Is the bitch going to complain about that? The roach coach selling funnel cakes also take away from the dignity of the cemetery.


                • #9
                  Call me crazy, but it seems to me that if there's any place a hearse ought to definitely fit in, the cemetery is it!

                  When it comes right down to it, there are probably lots and lots of folks buried out there who loved cars and car shows. As Americans, we Love cars, there's no way around it. Think about how many of your memories involve cars; your first car, the car you went on your first date in, the car you drove when you went off to college, the car you brought your baby home in, that car your Dad had that you wish you could've kept... The little black truck I was driving the last time I saw my Grannie before she died...

                  Each and every one of these hearses was the last car somebody ever rode in, and that's gotta mean something, doesn't it?


                  • #10
                    "Wah, my wife died, I'm offended"

                    My grandmother died last year, took my hearse to the funeral. Had some family go out and look at it (I did park in the back so as to try not to offend anyone and I probably wouldn't have taken it but I had to work that night.)

                    There was another funeral I went to for a friend's grandfather who I barely knew and met a handful of times, but the family liked me and wanted me to come. I parked the hearse around the block, then moved it when they requested to see it!

                    It is unfortunately their event though and therefore their right to ask you to leave. However you can also boycott it as well and get your friends to do the same.


                    • #11
                      Whats up with funeral directors? The last time we rolled to a cemetery, well ya'll know what happened to us, BANNED. In general here people at shows and the ones that run events and shows keep asking us to come to their shows. Overall we get good feedback. You'd think of all places a cemetery/funeral home would be excited to see retired Hearses. What a bunch of DICKS.


                      • #12
                        I chatt on the PCS site abit. They get bent outa shape when the car is not bone stock. That site has some serious pricks. You'd think what they do, they would have a sense of humor. Its about as dead as what they work on.


                        • #13
                          That is the very reason I decided to join this forum and opted not to join theirs. Well, that and the tech information here seems more inline with my goals.


                          • #14
                            Regarding the PCS, there are a few members that are okay, they just have poor judgement because they belong to the PCS.

