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'59 dreamer season doesn't end after Halloween

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  • '59 dreamer season doesn't end after Halloween

    Sure, they taper marginally. I swear some of these clowns will never get it together. An exchange via email from today:


    Title: '59 hearse

    Do you still have the hearse???

    '59 hearse is too vague to answer, sorry.


    The 59 Hearse that was listed on the professional cars site.

    When you can relay coach builder and model you'll hear back. Until then you're wasting time.


    If you aren't smart enough to know if you have a damn 59 Cadillac Hearse then quit wasting my time!! How many 59 hearses does anyone have????

    More than one '59 advertised - and on different times on different forums.

    '59 Superior? '59 S&S? or '59 Miller Meteor? If Superior, was it a landau combination or 3-way? Did you see this ad on NHAA, PCS, or Phantom Coaches?

    You're fishing or dreaming - so troll elsewhere.

    Fuck off Attila the Hun! You two bit creep! I own 3 antique hearses and was simply looking for a 59 Caddy - didn't matter who the maker was. Dreaming??? I'll be glad to match an income statement with you any day asshole!!!!!


    (At this point I decided to do a quick online email search before responding, seeing as there hadn't even been a name attached yet.)


    You know little, Don O'Guinn, 51 yr old FD from Flushing, MI.

    People like yourself contact me on a regular basis for a '59. Everybody and their grandmother wants one. Those that are genuine clearly state what they're looking for (or inquiring about), including condition, price range, vehicle search radius, provide a name, your location, etc. You are not one of them. This is a verrrrrrrry basic concept that you can't grasp.

    Whoop-de-shit you own 3 antique hearses. (Mind you, only your '38 Flxible Buick is known - which is antique, unlike your Harley/trailer dealio.) I own more. Who cares??? Not a numbers game egit. The fact that you even brought this up further validates that you SHOULD know what you're talking about. Again, you don't come across as such. How your funeral home stays afloat with these limited people skills you've demonstrated is beyond my comprehension.

    Had you simply come across as genuine (and not used an old email address which immediately raised a red flag) I would have turned you on to another '59 if the one of mine you were inquiring about had already sold. There are others currently for sale.

    Kudos for my heritage reference. Attila is a quite common Hungarian name, although you probably thought that was an insult. Whoopsie!

    Best-o-luck fishing buddy.



    No response since. Classy guy considering he has a PhD, quotes the Bible, and uses "God Bless" on his funeral home's main page huh?

    Maybe he's NHAA member Joker.

  • #2
    Atti given the amount of idiots that come to you in search of 59's , (me included) i have no idea how you have any patience to give anyone the time of day on the subject.


    • #3
      Hahaha! That's funny Jeff... Dude, you know what you want. You have parameters in place. You will find a '59 at a price you're comfortable with because you know everything that's involved and have patience.


      • #4
        You should have sent him pics of my 63 M&M.

