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hearse club rules

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  • #16
    Apparently not, there's a sci-fi discussion group I belong to which has weekly meetings on a Monday alternating between locations.

    Long story short two members got into an argument and now one is banned for 6 months for her antics. They actually had to put it to a vote and form a committee when it was running fine before since 2006. Now that she's been banned she was still harassing a few members on their Facebooks, Live Journal, etc... I took it upon myself to e-mail her privately and tell her she was acting horribly and to stop it. I just joined and they want to make me a "super moderator" already because I seem to be one of the few sane ones in it (it is a sci-fi group after all.)

    As far as getting along with other members, there are some people I don't particularly care for (outside of the club.) However I make it a point to get along with them. I'm just lucky all the members in the club are nice guys and we don't have these issues. Although we are still small too.


    • #17
      one of the rules we put in place is to precisely control who may represent our club. We have had trouble in the past with certain former members of a less than desirable reputation with Dead Ends gear. Invariably this person comes up, and unfortunately gives us bad name.

      That's why we decided that only dues-paying members in good standing could own swag with the dead ends logo. We also implemented a 2 event trial period so we have a chance to get to know each other before accepting them into the club.


      • #18
        Does any club on here have any rules about Ecto clones or hearse that have been mutilated (top cut off)?


        • #19
          Does any club on here have any rules about Ecto clones or hearse that have been mutilated (top cut off)?
          We don't, that is more of a pcs type rule.
          Don't be a dick is the most important rule.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Abnorml View Post
            Does any club on here have any rules about Ecto clones or hearse that have been mutilated (top cut off)?
            This link should expand on what LMS said.


            • #21
              I am new around here so I have to ask: By pcs do you all mean "professional car society," and if so; what's the story there?


              • #22
                When I say PCS I mean "Pretentious Car Scum" who have some great members but as a whole they suck more than a dozen Dyson vacuums. The link I posted should have explained some of it. Mostly the story is some here just hate them because they discriminate based on if the coach is original or not. You can't do anything fun like skulls, caskets, gore, etc... You can't even Ecto it out if you want. While I make fun of the Ecto clones I still respect everyone's right to do that to their vehicle. They on the other hand do not like any of that shit and will actively shun you from their events if you do so, or at least they used to. Finally they're starting to calm down from what I've heard.

                This is what Grim Rides had to say about them on their site.

                Professional Car Society
                & Their Various Chapters - Multiple Areas

                See what they had to say a while back about us.
                From the PCS New Chapter Start Up Manual (which was at
                'till they took it offline, on how to recruit new members :

                "WINDSHIELD CARDS. Professional cars are not found all that often on parking lots, but a recruiting pitch that you can stick under the wiper of that surprising Superior Pontiac parked outside the Safeway could bring in a member. Need we say that you have to exercise judgment when putting these things on cars?, You probably didn't want the local surfer crowd joining in, and the condition of the car can tell you a lot."
                Gee whiz, that just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
                Like I said some of the members are awesome and I've had some great conversations with a few of their members, I just really don't like that club.

                Also my views on them are my own and in no way reflect the views of my club. Hell if they want to throw an event and invite us out I'd set my feelings aside and be all about it if the rest of the club says so.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Miller Meteor Man View Post
                  no fat chicks muww haha
                  If you want to measure a woman's waist, and deny her for being too big,we should measure your manhood, and deny you for being too small.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Abnorml View Post
                    Does any club on here have any rules about Ecto clones or hearse that have been mutilated (top cut off)?
                    ecto clones wouldnt bother me unless it was some foreign junk. Hearses with the roof cut,,,,why would anyone do it? i,ve talked to a few that did it because the roof was totally gone. I can see that side to it, but to cut the roof off a perfectly good car,, no. Then again your car do what you want to it. Im sure there are people who may bash what ive done to mine.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by LMS View Post
                      We don't, that is more of a pcs type rule.
                      Don't be a dick is the most important rule.
                      as is the case with LMS, asshole's are ok.


                      • #26
                        Measure My manhood? Banned again, I just can't win with some of these People. Dam good thing for SPCs!


                        • #27
                          .... Ray it's ok,,,, you being so flexible makes up for it! LoL
                          And about your SPC rules, how are they coming along?

