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GhostBusters 59 Caddy Promo Car 4 Sale $150 Gs??

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  • GhostBusters 59 Caddy Promo Car 4 Sale $150 Gs??

    This is currently on ebay forsale and figured you guys would like to check it out. If only I had a few more hundred, I could get it.

    Cadillac:eBay Motors (item 110401442804 end time Jul-02-09 12:00:08 PDT)

  • #2
    I'm not sure about the back story he's telling, but....

    Here are some more photos of it...


    • #3
      Restoring my ass, he pissed all over it.

      Seriously, I like Ghostbusters, but I hate the fans that get hearses to fuck them up.


      • #4
        Well, I can see it has some serious external inaccuracies (not to mention no internal accuracy at all), but I am curious as what you meant by your comment. In all respect and seriousness, would mind elaborating further as to what exact you mean please?

        Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
        Restoring my ass, he pissed all over it.

        Seriously, I like Ghostbusters, but I hate the fans that get hearses to fuck them up.


        • #5
          I remember someone taking a clean 59 Superior Landau, and butchering it to make it into an Ecto. That to me was indeed screwed up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
            Restoring my ass, he pissed all over it.

            Seriously, I like Ghostbusters, but I hate the fans that get hearses to fuck them up.

            Yeah, I'm not sure what you mean here either?

            According to the listing, this car was commissioned by the studio to be built as an extra car to do promotional events, and built by Barris customs. It apparently had nothing done to the interior, and the current owner restored the car to it's ghostbuster look after it toured the country for a period of time. He also added an interior treatment to go along with the cars ghostbuster theme.

            In other words, the car was built into an ectomobile by the studio, not the current owner. He simply freshened it up after it was done with the tour.


            • #7
              I have no problem with the Ecto on sale through Ebay. His car has an actual history as a promotional vehicle for the movie, and if I had Jay Leno's money, I would be pushing "buy it now". On the other hand $150,000 would go a long way to restorng my 1959 S&S Combo, and 1912 White hearse. If I can only have a single 1959 Caddy, it's going to be stock, and not an ECTO wanna be.


              • #8
                ^ what he said ^

                Also even if it was commissioned as a hearse it was done for events which FANS attend.

                Although I didn't really read the listing, I just assumed that a fan did it while "restoring" it.


                • #9
                  So, if I'm getting this straight, you're ok with the actual Ecto-1, actual Ecto-1A, the Barris built "promo" Ecto and I'm assuming that would include the Universal Studios Florida Ecto-1 once owned by them too, but not ok with an accurate replica that would be built by just a fan of the films? Right? And certainly not a innaccurate replica done by a fan with incorrect year, equipment, etc.

                  Please correct me if I'm wrong, I just want to make sure we're on the same page here.


                  • #10
                    Kind of related,
                    [youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


                    • #11
                      Yeah, although that is a different car, another "Barris Build" located in Gatlinburg, TN at the Star Cars Museum.

                      Seen it, sat in it, had my picture taken in it. And although it has some really bad inaccuracies for an Ecto-1 replica, the 59 M+M IMO, is just such a beautiful car. I actually really just enjoyed admiring the car itself. I love looking at my 59 M+M, but its in pieces now and I'm slowly restoring it, so it was nice to see one that was...say 85% restored and actually together.

                      Unfortunately, George Barris is completely full of shit regarding 99% of his claims on the that Ecto-1 and THE actual Ecto-1 and 1A.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Magickman View Post
                        So, if I'm getting this straight, you're ok with the actual Ecto-1, actual Ecto-1A, the Barris built "promo" Ecto and I'm assuming that would include the Universal Studios Florida Ecto-1 once owned by them too, but not ok with an accurate replica that would be built by just a fan of the films? Right? And certainly not a innaccurate replica done by a fan with incorrect year, equipment, etc.

                        Please correct me if I'm wrong, I just want to make sure we're on the same page here.
                        I don't even like the promo cars. The movie cars are fine though.

                        Who wants to see a promo car anyway? Was it actually in the movie? Then screw it!

                        The only exception to this rule would obviously be the "Harold & Maude" Jaguar/hearse which was destroyed when it was driven off the cliff. In that instance one should be made as close to the movie version as possible and that's it.

                        I should also add that Phantasm was really awesome, however it destroyed a lot of hearses so I cringe a lot watching it.


                        • #13
                          Ah. This auction's owner must have moved 15-20 miles. He used to live in Parma, Ohio.


                          • #14
                            I think it was my love of Harold and Maude that made me criinge when some one took a 59 Superior Landau, cut out the landau panels, and turned it into an aproximation of the Ecto-1. As much as I love the 59 Superior that appeared in Harold and Maude, I'm not about to cover the rear windows on my Park Row, make up some landau bars, so I can have an aproximation of what Harold drove. Old funeral coaches are rare, and I see little point in taking a very restorable funeral coach, and trying to make it like a car that may appeared in the movies. A poorly done ecto reminds me of those fiberglass hoods they used to sell that looked like a Rolls Royce radiator. At least in the case of the Volkswagen there were plenty of bugs out there, so it wasn't like someone destroyed a classic motor vehicle to have a car like the Bug Chong drove in "Up in Smoke".


                            • #15
                              I don't know about the barris part. Old george, who sucks so bad I can't be bothered to hit the shift key for his name, has a real habit of remembering the past as this magical world wherein he was personally responsible for EVERY SINGLE CAR IN HOLLYWOOD that had ANY modification at all as being his own work. There is a lovely video of him wandering around the Ecto talking about all HIS work on it when it is really obvious he wouldn't know that car if it bit his ass.

