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  • #16
    In case I haven't already told ya,I want 1 size med.Give me a ring or message when Y'all get back and I'll give ya the cash.Hope you're havin fun in Austria!


    • #17
      I'll take a 2x, Hell, I'll take (2) 2x's Thanks! -Doug


      • #18
        JL, would you mind sending me your address so I can find out how much shipping is and get a total to ya (and so I know where to send the I promise I'll get the shirts to ya soon.

        On behalf of Chaser I apologize that he hasn't been able to respond to anyone or post much lately. Things at his work have been a bit busy and hectic since he got back and all he's had time for is checking the board and his mail and then hitting the sack for another day of the same. Hoping things settle down soon and he'll have time to get back to everyone.


        • #19
          Are the shirts ready? - Trying out my old shirts - I think I'm up to a 3X!


          • #20

            just let me know when they are ready !!! Whatever info you seek I will be happy to give


            • #21
              The shirts are ready and done. 2-stiff ordered them so I don't know how many of what size he ordered, I just gave him a list of how many we had requests for. I know he got extra's.....but I gotta call him and find out the numbers.
              I'm going to send off the ones I have requests for, all I need is a pm with the address so I can find out the shipping costs.
              As for members, 2-stiff planned on just getting them to everyone at the show like we've done in the past, seems to be easier that way.
              I'm going to take care of shipping, Chaser will have to take care of paypal, which I will get him on as soon as I get shipping info to those who need it sent to them.
              Again, sorry about the delay, it's been a bit crazy since we got back.


              • #22
                Well I Might (thats still a big might) be able to make it to the show after all. We've been busting our butts off out here in potsdam, new york and there is about a 90 percent chance we can be done by this next friday which means I should make it home in time to get the car finished and at least make it to the show on saturday. Whenever chaser is ready with the paypal I'll take care of the bill but hold off on the shipping I may just be able to pick them up in person!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by jlprigmore View Post
                  Well I Might (thats still a big might) be able to make it to the show after all. We've been busting our butts off out here in potsdam, new york and there is about a 90 percent chance we can be done by this next friday which means I should make it home in time to get the car finished and at least make it to the show on saturday. Whenever chaser is ready with the paypal I'll take care of the bill but hold off on the shipping I may just be able to pick them up in person!
                  That's awesome.


                  • #24
                    My apologizes to everyone. Since we got back from Europe, work has been keeping me busy. This is the 1st chance I have had to even say something on the board. I will get with everyone soon on the paypal thingy. We just need shipping addys for everyone so we know how much ya gotta send us. I am so sorry I haven't gotten to ya yet. I will soon I promise. I am supposed to be off Sunday, so hopefully I will get to everyone then.

