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Funeralrace 2007

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  • Funeralrace 2007

    I won't be racing anymore. I've been injured too many times in too many ways, and after this latest episode of getting hit by a flying office chair, the doctor says no more daredevil stuff of any kind. Jenny said that she would like to go as a spectator, though. Are you planning on having a race?


  • #2

    I am one of those to whom insanity comes with NO effort! This Joey Picasso, sorta back from the damn near dead. Any news on the funeral races this year? Please note the changes in my email presence: Since the divorce and it's ensuing bullshit I am living on borrowed time at anet/ waymark, which suits me just fine! :happy4:

    Anyway let me know all the latest on the Trocars since I have been way out of the loop!

    Hey, at least I am getting frequent flier miles with the ambulance/ fire rescue/ hospitals.


    Joey, (I'm not deceased yet)


    • #3
      Yes, we are having the funeral races this year ...just not sure on the date yet. It may be a little later than usual because I think Jen & Alex are going out of town. I'll post when I know for sure. Denise, I hate that you won't be able to race anymore!


      • #4
        Thanks, me too. It really meant a lot to me, but too many close and influential people have asked me to quit. My doctor has said that I could lose the use of an arm, or end up with even worse pain. If I did ever decide to do it again, I guarantee that it would not be in another suicide machine like the last one.

        Of course wouldn't you know that another auto accident would happen...I slam on the brakes, and an office chair in the back of the coach comes rolling right up the casket table at 30 mph and whacks me in the back of the head, so I think I'm just an accident waiting to happen. I'm just not supposed to tempt fate anymore.

        Maybe we can make it as spectators, but it depends on a bunch of things. I'm doing the event in Denver, so time off and money will be tight, and I don't know where Tony will be. Believe it or not, he cruised around Buckner just last week, but truck drivers don't get to stop and say hi unless they're going off-duty.

        Will look forward to seeing you and John whenever it happens. We're a small world.

        Big Hugs,



        • #5
          It's going to be Saturday, June 30th. Denise, I think Jenny needs her annual trip to Six Flags too.


          • #6
            How come it always sneaks up on me? SO little time so many things to do.


            • #7
              Gonna be Sweet!

              I just got a new welder so theres years racer might not come in dead last again!



              • #8
                The welding stuff that I got from Harbor Freight, I've been pretty happy with. You know it's always a crapshoot with them. Last year, the night before the race, we were in the middle of a thunderstorm and I was still trying to get my back wheels to stay on. I remember a flash of lightning so close that it caused my auto-darkening welding helmet to dim, and then a strong wind and downpour that came down under the patio and left me standing there sopping wet with a welding torch in my hand.

                Wouldn't you know those wheels would stay on there and then a control pedal rod would break because I made it out of aluminum instead of steel? I was trying to make the front end as light as possible so that it would be easier to get off of the ground. Oh well, that's probably better than my other idea, a tail dragger, which would have either ground looped or cartwheeled, depending on fast it was going when I lost control.

                Don't forget to wear your helmets. I took a nice slide on mine last year, and I was glad that I wore the full motorcycle type. Prussian helmets with the point on top aren't recommended unless you're looking for a really bizarre way to learn to break dance.


