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Putting You on the Spot

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  • Putting You on the Spot

    Just like the soap box speach I just gave the COTD members I'm also challenging everyone of the Dallas Trocars to make a serious effort to show your support of the TrickConTreat Show in Oklahoma City on Oct 3rd. Most of you are even closer than COTD so I'm asking, begging you all to make an effort to show up also and make this a pretty kick ass event!

  • #2
    I'm not close to anyone, except my doctor who gives me narcotics, so I can sit here half asleep, answering messages and watching TV until my eyes cross and every joint finally stops hurting. (Just as a sidenote, don't ever let your doctor prescribe you anything you're not already familiar with). After next May, I'll have some gas money, so at least I can drive up to Phoenix or fly up to Utah...maybe even Dallas. In a year or two, I need to take a trip through the South, in the rig with Tony so it won't cost me anything. We want to look for a place to move to, rural with lots of parking.

    If I'm not up to it, my 16-year-old daughter can drive a car or fly. She landed a plane when she was 8 years old. We can't afford to insure her to drive, so the only way she can do it is to drive me around with her learner's permit. She really wanted to go to Funeralraces™, but it wasn't possible. I remember back when we could afford to caravan the truck and the hearse, with those little FM family radios between the vehicles, and a CB radio (sigh). A long trip in a hearse with a CB makes for some interesting conversation.

    Taking a trip to meet friends, old and new, has always been good for me, and I've never regretted spending the money, because it's like gambling...if I don't have it, I don't lay it out. If you do have the money, go for it. A BIG break in the gas prices sure would be nice, and I'm putting camping gear into the hearse, because there's usually some place to park.

    BTW, contrary to a theory that is going around, gas prices are nowhere near the same when you compare them to the prices in the 40's, because people paid much fewer taxes and had more disposable income back then.

    There's my soap box speech.

