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The discussion with the Monster Bash folks

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  • The discussion with the Monster Bash folks

    I had a fun exchange with Jimbo from the Monster Bash when I asked him at the beginning of March to start advertising early and to give the car show some attention. For my money and time, if I'm going to stand outside at an event, I want to know that the organizer is appreciative of our effort and respects our collective history. I think that the guys from the Rockabilly Luau are building a much better event and are going to be massively supportive of us go forward (and are happy to have us).

    Of course the MB guys deleted this, but I had to save it - it was too funny not to.

    Me: Please tell me you guys are going to do more advertising this year and not wait until 2 weeks before to try and get people there. We (Dead Ends Hearse Club) come every year, and sometimes it feels like we're the only car club representing.

    Monster Bash: We started marketing going 3 months before the event and had the largest turn out for the event yet. So your point is?
    The Car Show is not our responsibility to book. Never has been. Hasn't been with MonsterBash and hasn't been with Drive Invasion.
    If you'd like to take it upon yourself to invite other clubs, have at it.
    I'm also not real fond of your tone either.

    Me: We've been coming out in force to the Monster Bash for 8 or 9 years in a row to show support. Some years we hear and see about it everywhere, others it's quite literally 2 weeks before the event and the site doesn't reflect the date and the Starlight hasn't listed it yet. Like right now for instance, the main header image on the facebook page is for the 2012 event. If other groups wanted to plan a few months in advance, it's nice to have the information ahead of time. No reason to be a dick about it, we're wanting you guys to be successful. When talking to friends after the event as to why they didn't come, most respond with 'we didn't know'.

    Monster Bash: Remarkably I tend to be a "dick" in the face of complaints posted out of nowhere. Offers from Car Clubs to help publicize the event, or plans to volunteer before the weekend of the event are usually met with much better results. MonsterBash has always been held the first Sunday of June. I would have been happy to start a DISCUSSION with you, or your club about your concerns about MonsterBash. That could either be here, or more professionally on your part, over the message feature Facebook provides.

    Me: Not a complaint, more of an implorement or plea to action. You read a lot into a 2 sentence statement, but if tone on the internet is so clearly defined there certainly could never be a misunderstanding to which one could easily remedy it with a helpful response, could there?

    Let's try this again more politely.

    My Dearest MonsterBash,

    Verily our humble little club beseech up the benevolent creators and purveyors of such a valued annual congregation of horror purists, that to the benefit of our annual calendar and to the interest of the patrons who would find such a iniquitous display of hedonic pleasure sublime, kindly make haste in the creation and distribution of many an advert that will stir much interest and bring forward those who long for the mirth and merriment of your gathering. Amidst your calling to would be participants, we ('The Dead Ends Foundation of Livery Service Vehicles') modestly request that an invitation be proffered to other organizations of our ilk. I eagerly await your guidance as to how we may be of assistance in your most noble of endeavors.

    Yours truly,


    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash
    Ah sarcasm. That makes working with you seem so much more desirable.

    Chris DiGanci Oh lighten up dude, that's comedic gold right there.

    I made a statement, you responded in a defensive tone, I responded in kind. Let us know how we can help make it a kick ass event and we'll gladly help.

    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash Yes lighten up. Got it. Shane will be in touch.

    Joshua C. Hager Hilarious!

    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash Yep.

    Tony Miskimen DiGnanchi For President!!!!

    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash Well, when you get THOSE posters printed up, make sure you spell his name "DiGanci."

    Chris DiGanci Jim, getting the G right gets much respect from me. Well done.

    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash 10-4. I'm a stickler.

    Cain Wolfram actually it's been 10 years. since the first monsterbash when ben Armstrong and Billy Messina invited us.

    Official Atlanta Rock and Roll Monster Bash It has been 10 years, didn't think correcting his history was going to help matters any. This year will be 11.

  • #2
    Absolutely hilarious - you had some real fun with that exchange.


    • #3
      Wish i still had some of the fliers from the first MBs they actually mentioned us and the model stoot out and the other Car clubs. I do have a news paper article from Friday June 4, 2010 about mb and they mention us. Unfortunately I can't post pics from my phone. But it says
      "In keeping with the repugnantly retro drive-in setting, monstrous models can have their photos taken with the revamped rides from Dead Ends Hearse Club..."


      • #4
        I have one of the color Creative Loafing clippings that had our logo on ever advertisement that they did. Let me look when I get home, I might have the first year one too.


        • #5
          Chris, did Shane Morton ever contact you?

