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Halloween parade

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  • #46
    I'm in, possibly with 2 cars.


    • #47
      You going to tow one with the other??


      • #48
        If I get motavated to put a freeze plug in the 60 Ambulance I will bring it and let some hearseless loser drive the 82.


        • #49
          Wonder what its like to be a hearseless loser.


          • #50
            Originally posted by tonytheskin View Post
            Wonder what its like to be a hearseless loser.
            i felt like one when my coach was in the shop for two months


            • #51
              We are up to 10-11 cars. Anyone else going?


              • #52
                hope ta get ta work on ellie mae sunday, and we'll be there!!


                • #53
                  even if i have to split a larger hose and put two clamps on each end to stop the leak. i'll have time to work on her sunday, softball will be over.
                  need time, date and directions please


                  • #54
                    3rd year in a row my company party is on the same day - Fuck it all -
                    unfortunately, its one of those things where you had better have a damn good reason to blow it off - like an immediate family member has to either be getting married or drop dead. Skipping out on this could seriously get me fired.
                    Sorry again guys, but I will not be able to do it this year...
                    Tho if you all want to come by for some beers and bbq afterward you are welcome to...NO LOSERS!


                    • #55
                      looks like i'll have 3 i have invited a local funeral director who digs the older cars to drive one of my rides ............

                      that might change if he has to plant someone that day

                      but for now its on ...


                      • #56
                        Anyone talk to lil Ryan....wait they are both tiny. The Ryan that works at the funeral home? He coming?


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by tonytheskin View Post
                          Anyone talk to lil Ryan....wait they are both tiny.
                          wait there are two of us? that's totally confusing.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
                            wait there are two of us? that's totally confusing.
                            yes there are 2 ryans, ryan berry.......i havent heard from him in over a month now.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Double D View Post
                              3rd year in a row my company party is on the same day - Fuck it all -
                              unfortunately, its one of those things where you had better have a damn good reason to blow it off - like an immediate family member has to either be getting married or drop dead. Skipping out on this could seriously get me fired.
                              Sorry again guys, but I will not be able to do it this year...
                              Tho if you all want to come by for some beers and bbq afterward you are welcome to...NO LOSERS!
                              YOU SUCK!


                              • #60
                                o kay guys and ghouls, my long legg'ed lady wants to hav a all-hollows eve party sat. night after the parade.i know it's a long ride up , but you guys are welcome, bring a tent spend the night. i'm trying to get my friend to cook hot wings so side dishes will be welcom'd and it will b.y.o.b. i'll try to hav some beer available. trying to get the band to set up and play for tips so we will see how that works out. a diverse crowd will be attending so i know everyone will fit in. college deans, teachers,bikers,common folk,freaks,construction workers, hookers, you know people you normally meet on a daily basis, will be atending

