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HELLOOOOoooooo......( insert echo)

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  • HELLOOOOoooooo......( insert echo)

    Has everyone fucking died or something? Comming down off of a 4 month heroin bender maybe?

    Where the fuck is everyone and why the fuck are we not doing anything?

  • #2
    what ever happened to that trip to the rifle range?


    • #3
      Set a date to meet up and quit yer bitchin


      • #4
        its to fricking hot to care


        • #5
          Originally posted by northgahearse View Post
          its to fricking hot to care
          ^that is truth right there.

          When it's so hot that you contemplate not riding a bike - there is NO way I'm pulling Morticia out of the garage with no air.


          • #6
            And of course, there was the heroine bender - but that was quickly over - I can't stand being that laid back all the time.

            3 weekends so far have had to help my parents move ("mom, look, if you put shit in boxes, me and Jeff will move it - if we have to pack the boxes this will take forever." "It shouldn't take that long" - 3 weekends later they STILL have shit in their apartment).

            I'm thinking some september something. Not sure what yet.


            • #7
              Yeah, I'll give you that, it's hot as fuck. I spent most of the day today building a playset for my stepson because his birthday is tomorrow, and after about 2 hours I almost couldn't even breath. I probably drank 3 gallons of water during that 2 hours. And then when i got back into the air conditioning, i spent the next 2 hours pissing out all that fucking water. I drove the 59 around town today and i must say something, the floor vents for air circulation, work fucking awesome in that car. better than anything i have ever had. not to say i don't wish i had air conditioning in her, but for what I have i choose not to complain.


              • #8
                yeah we have been under the 68 & 78 putting shocks on but its under the cars so its cooler if you believe that .....


                • #9
                  Family Guys Olli Wiliams says "HOT AS FUCK OUT HERE!'

