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it's snowing in nawfjawa

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  • it's snowing in nawfjawa

    hey i'm not a virgin any more/ ellie mae and i just got through cruising the neighborhood in the snow. i couldn't find anyone to ride w/ me so it was peacefull. i've always been afraid to drive her in situations like this, (in case something happens) but it was cool and hell' shes heavier than the pickup, so i hope it will be this way in the morning.

  • #2
    snowed in loganville too.


    • #3
      We got an inch in TN too.


      • #4
        We got SOME sleet earlier in the day and of course nothing stuck, just rain now and its not expected to get below freezing here tonight.

        It's funny how much of a difference 93 miles makes weather wise in Ga.


        • #5
          93 miles! Hell it was snowing in Loganville atleast an hour before it hit Winder. Its onlys 17 miles away!!! Damn GA weather.


          • #6
            TN is just as bad. We got about an inch on the ground where I am. 12 miles away they got some sleet and rain. Nothing stuck there. 18 miles south of me got nearly 2 damn inches.


            • #7
              Snowing like upstate NY lake effect here in VA. I'm glad Ive got my blizzaks on the car!


              • #8
                We didn't even get enough to cover the ground here in south west missouri.


                • #10
                  We got enough here in Augusta, GA for my kid to go out and make a snowball! Which was the greatest because I grew up in snow and they've never seen it. You can see it laying on the handrails, bench, and porch and even some on top of the van. The flakes look cool in the pic coming down!


                  • #11
                    it just started snowing here again.


                    • #12
                      we are getting nailed at the moment. And i have to go to my parents house and get a bunch of my dads vintage music equipment for the studio over here. Something just makes me a little nervous about loading a bunch of huge marshall and fender amps and cabinets from the 60's into my bassists truck in the middle of the snow. at least the truck is covered. We are attempting to get iced in over here so we have no choice but to sit write and record untill the ice that is supposed to happen tonight dissipates.

                      At least we have a plan i


                      • #13
                        starting to stick on the grass.


                        • #14
                          It's just been raining here all damned day. Maybe the temp will drop and we'll get some white stuff.

                          The last time that happened somebody lost it on the bridge by my house and drove into the lake and I missed it!

                          This time I've got the video camera ready!


                          • #15
                            just raining here now.

