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OK.......this is funny.......

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  • OK.......this is funny.......

    But to see the humor in this you must look at it from an educated and realistic prospective.

    I was sent a myspace friend request from this

    Read it all very carefully.

    When it got to the part about "looking for shows..." and so on I laughed so fucking hard i almost shit myself. " we have children and we have rules and regulations about no sexual content, bad language..." so on and so forth....well, i hope you enjoy having carshows at the chucky cheese, cause you won't be near us during our big showings.......(monster bash, 5 points, ect) cause the whole idea and what makes these events fun is the debauchery. It has always been this way. As a matter of fact these select shows are about the only things around that havent gone soft.

    what's next the " downsyndrome and diapers " show?

  • #2
    It's like a toned down version of the PCS - I didn't even know that was possible.

    I'm with Billy on this - best of luck, but I'll stick with my sex, drugs and rock and roll motif that has worked this long in life.

    "We seek to raise positive public awareness of these cars as well as to promote interest in them spanning all generations."

    I guess we'll need to step up our game of degradation and humiliation to the other end of the spectrum. I think I'll roll around with some 16" plastic dong for a hood ornament so when I hit the brakes it bows at you - now to figure how to keep Ryan B off of it or from taping it to his leg.

    And for no reason:


    • #3
      yeah. it's kind of funny also, imean, i have kids. But I am also adult enough to know that there are places i like to go that they sure as hell should not be at. i love my kids, i take care of and treat my kids great. but that in no way means i am going to be one. judging from their artwork on their little page their idea of a "club get together, or carshow" would be a bunch of plastic multi colored little tykes picnic tables where everybody including the adults sit around and drink non sweetned koolaid and draw more club artwork with crayons. Get the fuck out of here with that shit, seriously. My son loves my cars, he loves the noise, he loves the look and he loves chrome for the love of god, what more could i ask for, but on top of it i can say whatever the hell i want to around him and he knows what not to say. and he's 4!!!!!!! are you telling me these fuckers cant teach their kids right from wrong?....hell, they probably havent even learned it themselves, seem like abunch of bullshit from sheltered people. whatever. Fuck off.


      • #4
        Dare I say it? But isn't one of the members of this 'kid friendly' club being looked at by the cops for having child porn? Or something like that?


        • #5
          Incest porn based on the information I have gathered. But honestly, most of the people that know them are not at all suprised........


          • #6
            I was sent the same friend request....hell I may have added them without looking at the profile.

            Hmmm.....use that ability to gain info to crash one of their shows and behave badly perhaps?


            • #7
              Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
              Incest porn based on the information I have gathered. But honestly, most of the people that know them are not at all suprised........
              I know who you're talking about. I heard he had inscest and child porn. Buuuuut, he wasn't the one I was actually talking about. I would say who, but I'd rather not here.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
                I know who you're talking about. I heard he had inscest and child porn. Buuuuut, he wasn't the one I was actually talking about. I would say who, but I'd rather not here.

                So there's even MORE going on?!?!?!?!?!? Is it like, some sort of commune shit or something? This all gets more fucked up by the minute. I wanna know who else has been thrown into this mix, seriously. People like that should only be looked at in 1 of 2 ways, through the sights of a gun, or in a cheap pine box, with absolutely no dignity or respect whatsoever.

                I swear I'm about to just unleash it all and drag the trash out into the open. There are 6 people in the world who know everything, 4 of which know of it on a first hand basis, the other 2 were only verbally informed of it all, and I can almost guarentee you dont know anywhere near the whole story. Probably dont want to either. It's all very very fucked up.

                The whole situation cost me ALOT. Mentally and monetarily. Cost me a 800.00 computer, that had to be completely destroyed ( by completely destroyed i mean we poured a gallon of gasoline on it set it on fire with the covers off and put about 300 rnds of AR-15 and .45bullets through it untill we were able to remove the smaller than a dime sized burnt peices of the hard drive),which the friend that "assisted" me in destroying said computer is now employed as a field agent for the FBI, and NOW tells me we should have kept it to lock them away for a LONG time, cause it was obvious who it belonged to, almost cost us 8,000.00 in gold and diamond jewelry, luckily that plot was thwarted before the stuff made it out of the house. OMFG I'm angry as shit again.

                If I were to devuldge the whole story, it will take me a couple of hours of typing and a post that would possibly take up 2 pages on this thread. But right now I need to go to the firing range and make myself feel better.......


                • #9
                  You might know who I am talking about. True, I can't believe everything I hear, but I know that what I heard came from a reliable source.

                  But yeah, I'm sure I really woudn't want to know to whole story. I don't like hearing about those people all that much.


                  • #10
                    I probably do know who you are talking about, but as far as things i know for certain, they only pertain to the few I personally dealt with. I am not suprised that there are others who are still associated with them that are fucked up as well. But seriously I wanna know. PM me if you have to I dont care, but I know for a fact some shit is going to happen between some people in this club, and those "other" people sooner or later, and in person not hiding behind a computer. I just wanna know who I need to keep my eyes on........


                    • #11
                      We have created rules that protect the club’s overall mission. In doing so we have attempted to be fair and reasonable. If you find rules that you feel infringe on the enjoyment of your car herein, this may not be the club for you. You must keep in mind that we support children being members of the club and have enacted standards to protect them from seeing things that are inappropriate.....
                      OK, I understand when adult members of a club have kids, but they want to make kids members? So do they take their lunch money for dues?

                      1) NO CONFLICT: No public name calling, aggression, fighting, etc. Not everyone agrees on everything, and that’s fine.
                      Apparantly it's not fine given the rationalization that follows...

                      Friendly debate or discussion is allowed, however if it turns into outward hostility or acts of aggression, you may be asked to leave an event or be asked to leave the club. If you have paid dues and an action is caused by you, or by your acting in concert with others to disrupt the harmony of the club, those dues will be forfeit. We will attempt to be fair about this, but we cannot tolerate disputes that involve violence, profanity, or actions that reflect badly upon the rest of the club. This is final!....
                      2) Be polite to the public: We understand that stupid questions are a frequent occurrence with our types of cars; however we ask that you strive to uphold a positive image for the public. If someone annoys you and you have attempted to answer their questions politely, then it is admissible to become less polite, but at least try, it’s not too much to ask.....
                      It is too much to ask. I am what I am and you are who you are. For me to ask, well, tell you how to be, putting it bluntly, is oppressive.

                      3) No obscene images, profanity, sexual references, nudity, etc. can appear on or around your car at club sanctioned events. If you have images painted on your car that fall under these headings you will be asked to cover them. If you want a giant naked lady on your hood, that’s fine, but for events you MUST cover any indecent portions of the painting, we suggest you do so with magnetic coverings of some sort. This goes for references to necrophilia as well. Those are not the sort of values we are attempting to teach the kids. We understand that it is your car, but you must understand that these are our kids, and fair is fair. If you violate this rule you may be asked to leave the event or be booted from the club. A violation of these rules will result in forfeit of any paid dues and exclusion from future club events. ....
                      If it's on my car and you don't like it, tough shit asshat. Keep your dues and shove em straight up your fucking culo. I'll park my pornwagon where ever I damn well please.

                      4) If you choose to join you subject yourself to the governing board members. We are run by a board voted on by the members. The board will run for a one year term before a new board is voted on by the club members. If a board member or members is seen to be ineffective by club members before their one year term expires they may be impeached by a vote of members and a new official instated to hold their place for the remaining duration of the one year term. Items of importance are brought to meetings by the board and voted on by club members, the board must abide by the majority vote of the club members. Board members votes count the same as any other club member. ....
                      I know many of you are/were in clubs with this same kind of setup, but what a load of shit. If a club needs a "board" or anything else similar, the club is about money and not community. Communities form for a common interest and fellowship, not a governing board that says what is and is not ok.

                      5) We will meet once a month. If a club member cannot make a meeting and lets the board know before-hand and in extreme cases a day after, their vote may be submitted online to the board and counted with the other club member’s votes.....
                      Again, more crap. Want to get together? Do it. If someone can't make it, they can't. A club is extra-curricular. People have lives they have to live first.

                      6) We allow the membership of non owners, the non owners may vote on all items except items dealing with the appearance of cars, since they do not own a car these items do not directly affect them. This excludes couples who share ownership of one car, both parties may vote or they may vote as one, as per their preference. ....
                      So you have a club, that takes in dues, to support your vehicle specific club(procars, right?), but it takes in folks that do not have said type of vehicle...
                      Please tell me how this club is not about money?!

                      7) We attempt to be fair to all members.
                      Except thos that have titties and pussies on their cars...

                      Our meetings will be organized based on the most amounts of members who can attend. We will attempt to include everyone and may even be able to organize a car pool for members who would find it difficult to attend. We will uphold a policy of open bookkeeping and meeting minutes. Paperwork items can be viewed at meetings or by request to the board in between meetings. Decisions made by majority vote are final and must be accepted by the club members. The only way a decision may be vetoed is by agreement of all board members to resubmit the item for voting due to unfair or extenuation of circumstances. ....

                      8) Dues are not yet instated but may be proposed by the board. In the event dues are instated the following rules will then come into effect. Dues paid to the club are forfeit to the club in the event you part with the club. You are paying to help support the current meetings as well as the organization of future events or projects. Your dues are considered a donation legally and are not eligible for return. Dues should be split into categories for owners and non owners with the non owner dues being half because the events do not benefit them as much as they do for actual car owners. Proposed dues will be 10.00 for owners and 5.00 for non owners per family per year. Families with multiple cars still pay the same as families with one car. Non- owners who acquire a car after dues are paid do not have to fulfill the remainder of the dues, but the next year will be expected to pay full owner dues. Donations for projects may be requested but are not considered mandatory after payment of dues. Members under 16 are not required to pay dues but are also limited to non-owner voting. Members under 18 must have adult permission to join.....
                      While ten and five bones doesn't sound like much, it's still a fee, not a "donation." Hate to tell these folks that a "due" is a fee. Fee's are a term for payment. Payment and "donation" are two hugely different things - legally and by definition.

                      9) We support the membership of a wide variety of professional cars, including but not limited to, hearses, fire trucks, ambulances, police cars, limos, and flower cars. We use the word hearse in our title because the wide majority of our members own only hearses. If you have a question about the ability of your car to qualify for membership you may E-mail the board and we will be happy to discuss the possibility of your joining us with you.....
                      For a fee, of course! Oops, sorry...for a "donation."

                      10)By submitting an application you agree to the rules posted here and any rules which may be instated by the board in the future of the club. You also agree to hold us harmless for anything that may happen to you, your family, or your car(s) as a consequence of joining our club. If someone vandalizes your car at a club event, we are not responsible for the damage and by requesting to join us you acknowledge that you agree not to take legal action against this club for any reason. We are a hobby group and it is understood by you that we have no personal control over persons at our events or on the road. It is also acknowledged by you that you agree to conduct yourself in a sensible manner at club events and not to use the club name to promote personal business or interests without the express consent of the board. You may mention that you are a member; however, this does not entitle you to anything but your membership.
                      Wow. So let me get this straight:
                      I have to agree to behave to someone else's vague explanation of behavior.
                      I have to promiss that the governing board of this club gets off scot-free if I were to become injured, one of the other members steals my shit or any other woe that may befall me, happens while engaging in a club event, mandated by them? And I thought OJ got away with murder...
                      I am a member of a hobby group that collects payment...sorry, donations.
                      And even though I have paid...sorry again, donated to use the club name, I cannot use it to promote myself?

                      Fuck, where do I sign up?! Sounds like there are tons of benefits to join these folks.

                      Shit, Hitler was more permissive than this.
                      Last edited by STODD; 04-26-2009, 01:04 AM.


                      • #12
                        And to be fair:
                        For all I know, these folks may be a great bunch of people, that are fun to hang with, but...

                        There is no way in hell I'd ever join their fucking club after reading that bunch of shit. I only want to be in a "club" if I know everyone in it and I trust them in my house alone and would want them in my house alone. If there are any rules in the club, I'm not joining - especially rules pertaining to my car. If I have to pay to be a member, I'm never becoming a member. Take your money and shove it up your ass. If a club needs cash for something, ask for donations(the real kind). If you can't dig up enough scratch, I guess the club didn't need it that much to begin with, huh?


                        • #13
                          Yeah, everything he said............................


                          • #14
                            or just plain and simple what his avatar says


                            • #15
                              I did say they may be great folks, that are fun to hang with...

