
No announcement yet. it has to be this way huh?

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  • it has to be this way huh?

    So now these little bastards feel "like they have been hurt", and everything that has been said is "a lie" and then threaten MY FRIENDS with some sort of new law bullshit about "if you make someone feel bad to the point where they want to kill themselves you can go to jail" horseshit.....I got a little wake up call for you.

    First off. The law allows for free speech, especially if there is eyewitness and physical evidence to support all claims made. So immediately you are screwed there. Not to mention if you even had the slightest thought on trying to call the cops or try to sue me for anything, YOU would end up in prison for a VERY VERY long time, not to mention you would be permantly add to a registered sex offenders list. Hmmmm.....maybe I should do that just to make it clear to you who is right here.

    I have photographic evidence pertaining to almost everything being said. My wife took pictures of the dirty man diapers that were left in the hallway of MY HOUSE,shall i post them here? Hmmmmm? legally you cant do a fucking thing about it.
    Should we file charges on that little kid that you have been obviously unable to teach and care for for trying to steal 8 grand worth of gold and diamonds from my house? We have pictures of the book bag with the stuff hangging out of it. Hmmmm....maybe that might teach you too...
    Threre are reports filed that state there were illegal pictures and videos downloaded to the computer I left downstairs where you were living. When we found this shit we freaked. I had not touched that computer the whole time these people were there. And the times downloaded refelcted that they were downloaded during a time my wife and I were asleep and they were downstairs doing whatever it was they were obviously doing. Once again. Deep shit for you. The only unfortunate part of this is that the computer was destroyed, by myself, a friend and an off duty gwinnett co deputy, under the deputy's advisement. If they find shit on a computer, it doesnt matter who the material belonged to, it matters who the computer belongs to. You could have fucked me for life for shit that I had nothing to do with. You are lucky to be as you are now after that was found.
    OOOOOOOO.....How about the pictures my wife got of the fucking dildo your kid took from you and left under the sink in the bathroom after he took the batteries out of it for his cd player? AND MY FUCKING SON FOUND IT. The fact that YOUR kid had access to these types of things alone is enough to have you locked up. But the fact that MY 4 YEAR OLD SON came across it while getting his bubble bath out from under the sink cabinet makes it 2 counts, PLUS i can sue the fuck out of you in civil court for allowing such things to be introduced to MY KID.
    How about all the money worth of shit your kids drug out into the woods from my garage and allowed to get mud and rained on to the point of complete ruin?
    The list can go on forever.

    Now, you people are obviously not educated enough to just dissappear without a trace. That would have been the smart thing to do. But no, you got uppidy and combative, probably the single most dumb thing you could do considering the circumstances. And you did this not knowing we have all this stuff. Pictures, witnesses from outside of my home, other instances no even pertaining to me at all where shit has gone on with other people that would support and back up everything said here. Plain and simple. You're fucked.

    Now you have 1 read this very carefully "1"...that is spelled "O-N-E", chance left to dissappear. DO NOT show up at our shows. DO NOT post on this board, and DO NOT start shit with people here.

    You see, the most you will cause me is a minor inconvienience in having to make contact with a police officer, or a judge, or whatever. And if that happens we will lay EVERYTHING on the table. We have witnesses within this club that can vouch for alot of it, we have witnesses that have absolutely NOTHING to do with this club that are eyewitnesses to this shit. But the stakes for you are much, much higher. You brought this out. YOU caused this escillation. I will finnish it if i have to.
    Last edited by StrayCat; 04-28-2009, 04:24 PM.

  • #2
    Oh more funny thing you are obviously too simple minded to see. NOWHERE in either this thread or the one that you have been trolling for the last hour, is anyones name stated as in calling anyone out individually. Therefore you have NO legal basis whatsoever to do anything at all to anybody. Do I really need to keep pointing things out arte have you accepted the inevitable yet?

