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Monster Bash 2009 - Will you be my neighbor?

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  • Monster Bash 2009 - Will you be my neighbor?

    Hi kids. Forgive my intrusion into the forum. I promise not to be a pain in the ass.

    My name is Ed Selby. I am the organizer for this year's Monster Bash Model/Photographer shoot out. As such, I have been tasked with securing priority access to participating vehicles for our registered models & photographers, and, ideally, exclusive access to at least one kick ass vehicle for use only by our registered models & photographers.

    In the past, as many of you veterans of MB know, it has been a free-for-all of GWCs (guys with cameras) and GWFC (girls with few clothes) coming by and posing on, in, and over your cars. We don't want to prevent that from happening, but it would be helpful to the organization of Monster Bash if a few of you would volunteer to be a "Monster Bash Preferred Hearse". When a registered and official model/photographer team comes to your vehicle, you will end any shoot going on on your car, or give our folks "preferred access" (like inside the car) that you won't give to anyone else.

    I will be providing an exclusive only for use by registered models & photographer area for shooting, and I would really really like to have one of your cars there. Perhaps one of the nicer ones? Perhaps an owner who doesn't want every GWC and GWFC and Monster Bash crawling all over his car, but would still like to have some cool shots done?

    If you are up for helping out and being my neighbor, please contact me ASAP to work out details.

    Thanks, and see you in 2 weeks!!

  • #2
    Thanks for the invite.
    Mines not a "one of the nicer ones", but I like being able to pick and choose who poses where on/in my hearse since I am a GWC who likes GWFC. And Most are allowed too anyways. I do think it would be a good idea for somebody to do. Again thanks for the invite.


    • #3
      Hey HH - thanks for the reply. If you'd like, I'll make you a "Monster Bash Preferred Hearse". You can still allow others to pose, but when a registered model & photographer appear, they will take precedence over anyone else there. AND you will be able to shoot a few frames of the model on your car, too.


      • #4
        What a cool idea.


        • #5
          I am sure that the day of MB there will be several people wanting do this.


          • #6
            I think it's probably safe to say that most everyone would have no problem having half naked women posing on their cars. Myself included.

            Feel free to add me to that list too.


            • #7
              Like I said, I think it's a great idea so there's not so much chaos. I know it's hard to get decent shots with all the cars and people around. But this is the part that keeps me from saying yes.

              Originally posted by EdSelby View Post
              When a registered and official model/photographer team comes to your vehicle, you will end any shoot going on on your car, or give our folks "preferred access" (like inside the car) that you won't give to anyone else.
              My concern is some friend wants to take pics inside my car, I want to be able to let them and/or take them without being bond by a contract. I'm sure you understand my point. You are more than welcome to come over and use my hearse and props as you see fit, but I'm not gonna deny a friend either.

