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Mechanical Promblems Update

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  • Mechanical Promblems Update

    Ok I have been informed that I will receave the insurance money this Friday so I or my dad will go and pick up my new 91 Superior! I will post picturers of my mechanical promblems and the new Cadaver when I have them.
    I have attached pics of the new Cadaver that I am getting Friday. If you zoom in on the side view you can see the name plate. It says COX! Thats like a sign because as you know thats my last name!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by JustCadaver; 06-09-2009, 01:27 PM. Reason: Update

  • #2
    Cool, try not to make this one look like the last one.


    • #3
      Hey Ryan--you need to post the "mechanical problems" your other Cadaver hearse had just before Monsterbash....some people have not seen your handiwork yet!!!


      • #4
        Make sure you post a warning before the pictures.


        • #5
          Ok below are some pictures of what happens when a hearse drives 40ish down a road and then out of no where a Pontiac Grand AM STOPS!!!

          No that is not the car in front that I hit... It was a black car...

          Driver side door will not open at all now.

          Close up of the front damage area... Enging still turns but the radiator leaks real bad...

          Side view but you can not see the glass. It is busted in the center.

          Can you beleive that no one was hurt from this!

          1 Hearse and 1 Pontiac Grand AM was harmed in the making of this video...


          • #6
            I see the impact absorbing points built into the front of the car worked as engineered to..... People think it crinkling up is because of cheap or thin metal but it is actually suppose to do it to absorb energy of frontal impact before passenger compartment get to is the hood supposed to kink were it did to take force off hinges and keep hood from coming back thru windshield and also deflect other debris or hot fluids from the engine features and you don't have to wear them...Maybe some Big Rubber Baby Buggy Bumpers down the side would have helped when I hit the wall...I should write GM a letter...Or who ever won them in the lottery....


            • #7
              JustCadaver in Action Again...

              We just returned from picking up Ryan's replacement for the '91 M-M he totaled...this one is a '91 Superior but it is the same color and drives really good (not that the other one drove bad...just after that "mechanical problem" it barely pushed its non-turning front wheels when in gear).

              Lets hope he notices the stopped Pontiacs (and all other makes) better in this one!!

