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Monsterbash JINX

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  • Monsterbash JINX

    So Monster Bash fell on a Sunday, I had to work laaate Sat. night and was sch. to work that Sunday night at 11:30-5:30 am seems like plenty of time to make it to work after attending M.B..... but after the heat and participation on a full day at M.B I was looking at a hell day (and night) I was going to man up and come anyway. I'm a trooper. Being my busy week and no time to prepare for M.B I even hit up Dave and said I'm gonna try and make it but no time to pack food or day goods as I usually do for the M.B festivities, can you help me he said no problem we got u covered, I'm sure you guys would have had me covered as well, (fam right?) cool that took off some stress, thanks Dave and Denise and any body that would have fed me. Sunday I tied lose ends at the house got the 59 packed with water (for the car) tools ect for anything that might cause a road block on my journey. Well several road blocks kept popping up anyway at the house slowing my departure down. At 6:00 I said fuck it can't make it, oh well. Then my phone starting blowing up "where you at, M.B is great get your ass down here". Couldn't stand it anymore so I jumped up in a frantic frenzy and said fuck it. I got bout 4 hours before sun down, I'm going! Packed a few things dipped out, filled up with gas and headed to the car wash for a quick wash. Despite my own approval to polish and wax every inch of the Caddie which I ALWAYS do so you guys could later smudge, spit on and drag your ass across all my efforts and my rigors input on the whip to have my ride blindingly gleaming I settled for a make do clean up. Completed the wash, jumped in turned it over..................nothing. Car dead. MOTHER FUCK ME WITH A ROCKET TAIL LIGHT. My 50 year old original 390 engine has never broke down in the 1 year and 6 months I've owned it NEVER ( purchased july 15 08) and I drive it often esp in the summer and bundle up and drive it in the winter as well ( gotta get that heater coil replaced) would rather freeze and show boat than be warm with another car on the road. But on this day the ignition coil took a shit, No go. Rather than pitching a bitch I just stood back and said it wasn't meant to be, I'll go with that, maybe some uninsured motorist would've side swiped me. Enough of my story. At least ten of my friends didn't make it this day, I had some car enthusiasts from clubs I work at that I promoted to not be able to make it to this event cause of some stupid bull shit, several with cars. Impala friend broke down, Mercury friend broke down, friends kid got sick, one got called in to work.JINXED At any rate I view the pics and regret I couldn't make it. I hope you guys had a good time, Double d I missed the car bombs and missed the weed eater super charged Margaritas the ridiculous walking pin up chicks and the oh so respected chicks that would lay in a coffin for a pic, Chris Morticia lookin bettter than ever, in fact I see the best group of effort induced hearses I've seen in a while. Follow my lead bitches, I set the standard with the Hearse I had (gone but never forgotten)Chris even said so, keep up! Showing up with a Hearse is one thing, cool ok, its a Hearse but pushing the envelope is another, give em something that will wow them and give your self something to wow yourself. Anybody can buy a 82 hearse, their cheap do something with it to set Dead-ends apart. Whether I own her or not 1978 Fleet wood M&M anymore she was a small legend many hours of literally blood bleeding knuckle busting knuckles, hours went into her and getting swarmed with photographers was all worth it I miss her but had to move on. (Gone but not forgotten) I missed not seeing you guys. Next year the pressure is for me to come back with vengeance to make up. Interior on 59 is gonna be ridiculous. Keep me posted on future shows. Peace and wrenches to everyone.

  • #2
    I was kinda wondering if you were still alive or not......

    And I see you still haven't replaced the freeze

    I dont think i ever replaced the coil, i may have, just dont remember. Coil is a minor thing and after i rebuilt the top end, and all the machine work that went into those heads, replacing the ignition components ( other than usual tune up stuff) was an after thought.

    You know I truely thought I would miss that car more than I do. It's just kind of a wierd feeling to be like "oooo i want one i want one i want one", then get one just to be like " eh, not quite as cool as I thought it was going to be". But I did at least learn a lesson.......I'm going to stick with 55 and older cars. The 51 isn't in anywhere near the body condition the 59 is, and it's slower for sure, ( being it is a 3 speed collumn shift and a straight 6 cylinder)....but I adore this car. I honestly have to say this is probably my single most favorite car other than my 60 S&S park row. But I am glad it is working for you. At least now she is owned by someone who isn't bored with it. Like I told you the day you got her......" I'm just not treating her right".

    OH! I found an extra NOS interior dome light lens for it I had. For some reason I ordered 2. Get with me and I'll send it to you.


    • #3
      Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
      I was kinda wondering if you were still alive or not......

      And I see you still haven't replaced the freeze

      I dont think i ever replaced the coil, i may have, just dont remember. Coil is a minor thing and after i rebuilt the top end, and all the machine work that went into those heads, replacing the ignition components ( other than usual tune up stuff) was an after thought.

      You know I truely thought I would miss that car more than I do. It's just kind of a wierd feeling to be like "oooo i want one i want one i want one", then get one just to be like " eh, not quite as cool as I thought it was going to be". But I did at least learn a lesson.......I'm going to stick with 55 and older cars. The 51 isn't in anywhere near the body condition the 59 is, and it's slower for sure, ( being it is a 3 speed collumn shift and a straight 6 cylinder)....but I adore this car. I honestly have to say this is probably my single most favorite car other than my 60 S&S park row. But I am glad it is working for you. At least now she is owned by someone who isn't bored with it. Like I told you the day you got her......" I'm just not treating her right".

      OH! I found an extra NOS interior dome light lens for it I had. For some reason I ordered 2. Get with me and I'll send it to you.

      I have replaced freeze plugs the ones I could get to anyway, it went strait from broke down to a buddy's shop he owes me some work for a wedding I DJed for him. Doing several things. I still love this car and will prob never sell or trade it ever, unless someone wants to affer up some real heat. Since I got it, to this day I have not seen a 59 on the road and I spend at leat 50 % of my time on the road, and I dammn sure haven't seen a 4 door.Yes 59 working for me, I look at it still and am like YESSSSSSSSS! No I lied I still look at it and am like FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS! Rocker panels are rusting the fuck out, that's the only spot, who can weld me some new ones in cheap? Yes hold that part for me, ANYBODY ELSE GOT 59 PARTS I'LL TAKE EM ILL COME GET THEM!!!

      ME VANISH!!!!???? Keep it real now, I tried to get in touch with you for at least 2 months, texts, calls paged you here, nothing! ANNND some how the Hearse ended up in another state I got a call cause it was still in my name and in inpound they were even gonna suspend my license but i think it's strait now. I made some calls


      • #4
        Lol. well, look at a couple of the back posts in here and you'll learn real quick what i was doing for 2 months. I was de-trashing my house.

        Yeah, I took the hearse to work and put it on the lift, and the front crossmember section, and alot of the metal under the car was rusted all to hell. The floor rot didn't bother me, but there were 2 golfball sized holes in the front frame under where the motor mounts and I just didnt feel like dealing with that on a car that new. I sold it to a guy in seattle. I sent him the title, guess he didnt know what to do with one......

