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What a bullshit week

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  • What a bullshit week

    First off.....saturday a woman who was driving in front of me on old norcross road hits a pedestrian with her minivan, sending the dude airborn and bounces off my car, fucking up my cowl panel and the roof a little,(wasnt her fault, but still, i really LOVE my car) then i got jury duty this morning. dont give me any bullshit about " it's your duty as a citizen" cause i know good and full well if i actually have to serve on the jury panel it' going to be for some dumb ass case where some minority or white trash redneck fuck thought suing someone over spilled milk was a good idea, and in process wasting my fucking time. everybody is sue happy these days. motherfuckers need to kiss my ass.

    on a lighter note tho i got a new job at a (undisclosed university) Primate research facility. yeah i get to wear a lab coat and play with monkeys all day. should be interesting....(insert joke about it being alot like a fulton county health department here....everyone else has already made the joke)......but fuck it for almost 20 bucks an hour bring it on.

    ok end foamy the squirrel type rant.

  • #2
    My week has been the same fucking way so i know how u feel


    • #3
      Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
      then i got jury duty this morning. dont give me any bullshit about " it's your duty as a citizen" cause i know good and full well if i actually have to serve on the jury panel it' going to be for some dumb ass case where some minority or white trash redneck fuck thought suing someone over spilled milk was a good idea, and in process wasting my fucking time.
      Just walk in and announce the defendant is innocent. "If I didn't see him do it....." It's all a big game about who has more money for a lawyer. (that's actually my take on the whole thing anyway)

      Got me out 3x's already. (waste 1 day, not a week)

      The jury thing...


      • #4
        That is completely disrespectful for that guy to land on your car, the nerve of some people.


        • #5
          I know right. I went out there today to see if i could smoothen the cowl panel back out any, at least to where my wipers sit right again, then got pissed off and started working on the Harley. Rebuilt the carb, flushed the fuel tank, runs like a scalded dog now, much more power and alot smoother than it was last year. now i just need tires. tires afterall are about the only real shock and vibration absorbtion i have on the thing.


          • #6
            So did the ped survive or did you stop and run over him (or her) again for not nailing the landing???? wtf good thing you weren't on the Harley....


            • #7
              I wonder if the driver of the minivan was from Florida...

              BTW, your new job sounds really cool! Are there any monkeys with extra limbs or do they glow under certain lights?


              • #8
                he died at the scene, it's pretty much conclusive that the inital impact from the minivan did the job, and him bouncing off the top of mine just made it faster......

                as far a the monkey's i have no idea yet. my buddy says " ummm....bro you know zombie movies start out like that....."


                • #9
                  I can just imagine how it would've been if you had been driving a hearse instead when the guy bounced off your car.

