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I'm going to need a favor from Dead Ends.

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  • I'm going to need a favor from Dead Ends.

    As some of you may or may not know my stepdad is kind of on his last leg. His body is pretty much eating itself and it's all my mom can do to keep his calories up and keep him from completely wasting away. We don't really suspect that he has much time left and so arrangements are starting to be made (nothing concrete, just kind of a pre-planning).

    When the time comes - I am going to carry him in Morticia and do some gargantunasty burnout with him in the back and my mom has requested that I bring as many folks from Dead Ends in their cars as possible to show solidarity (and to fuck with his side of the family) to ride a procession together. If you guys would be willing to do this, I'd be greatly obliged. Probably will be some drinking afterwards and some partying, that's just how my family gets down.

    I need to fix the transmission slippage problem I've had for an eternity and make sure she can roll the tires pretty easy.

    Thanks in advance,


  • #2
    not having a coach anymore i can't help with the procession but just let me know when you need help on getting 'ticia ready


    • #3
      Werd - thanks man. It's surreal as hell discussing funeral arrangements with my mom.


      • #4
        Really sorry to hear that, if its any day besides friday or saturday i shouldnt have too much problem getting out of work


        • #5
          if primer as paint is cool im sure i can get something down... will this be in lawrenceville loganville monroe aera?


          • #6
            Not sure - I have heard Roswell mentioned a few times, so I'm not sure where to start and where to end.


            • #7
              `if i was closer you could count me in but im not and my car doesnt want to run at the moment my deepest condolences for your dad and if i can help in anyway please let me know


              • #8
                Sorry to hear that. My grandmother is on her way out and is currently in the ICU at the hospital. She's starting to do better though.

                However she hates my car, the only reason she likes it even a little is because it's mine and I like it. Every time I go over she makes me park down the street.

                Best of luck and you have my advanced condolences.


                • #9
                  My family has always gotten a kick out of my car - not sure if it's the car or just how happy it makes me. I got to carry my great grandmother in it and they all thought that it was neat and a very respectful thing to do. My stepdad worked at GM for 20 something years and has always been a car guy - he specifically asked for me to carry him and do a big damned burnout with him in the back.

                  Here are some pics of the last funeral we did - some dude named Lewis - I got to do some pretty hellacious burnouts with his body in the car and came into the cemetery sideways. =)


                  • #10
                    I do not at the moment own a coach but I am totally there, if needbe with the lights siren and doors in the damned air!
                    Whatever you want brotha name it.


                    • #11
                      i would be honored. My schedule is pretty flexible, too.


                      • #12
                        Well my work schedule is pretty tight, but if I am off when the day comes we will be there.


                        • #13
                          I'll be there.


                          • #14
                            IfI had a couch I would be there. Scared to take Lily out of the yard.


                            • #15
                              Anybody know where I can get a relatively inexpensive casket? Paint blems would work - going to try and get one painted and striped for him.

