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  • Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
    Ok, so i'm thinking Saturday, January 21st, 7:00 pm at Buckeye's in social circle. 170 S Cherokee Rd, Social Circle, GA 30025.
    Our weekend reporter quit so I'll have to work on the 21st


    • I will have patches and shirts. What i think i will do is set aside shirts in the sizes requested for those who have not yet paid their dues. any unclaimed shirts will be available for sell to dues paying members.

      does that sound fair?


      • One of the things we discussed was a meeting for february. Belinda Peters contacted me, and said she hoped we would show up on February 18th for Dave's birthday car show. So, we should make an effort to attend. Maybe we'll go back to buckeye's for dinner afterwards.

        We will also want to make sure we have everything finalized for the days of the dead show.


        • I was not able to make the meet last weekend (obviously). I'm not sure what if any trophies we are doing for Day of the Dead show but if was are wanting to make them I have access to a pile of old parts at a shop. Rotors for bases and a few camshafts, rods, pistons etc.... I know Ganci welds and I think David does as well. Let me know if we need to scrounge some stuff.


          • I'm totally down - but you know how it works with me, so you might just have to show up or tell me when to be at the shop and I'll weld the shit up. I'm also going to stripe and letter a bunch of stuff to raffle off, so maybe we can make some cool items.


            • My thoughts are the days of the deadus a horror convention so the awards should be more on the horror/halloween themed. But the rockabilly luau is more the type if show for car parts there will be more categories.


              • yeah, this is just going to be us home folks here at the hearse show, so we don't want to go too overboard. just one trophy for fan's choice. David Butler is tasked out with creating it.

                Here's a list of things we will need:

                car show registration forms
                fan's choice voting ballots
                a bucket to collect ballots
                items to raffle (supplied by Terri Butler and Ganci)
                Raffle Tickets
                A poster or fliers explaining the voting process and raffle process
                A least one or two ez-ups
                a folding table or two
                all the other usual equipment.

                Can anyone volunteer this stuff? I would like to have all of our plans finalized by the next meeting, which is february 18th.


                • What will the raffle money be going to? I think there may be some laws regarding that kind of thing.


                  • That's a good question. I suppose it would be going to us, for us to do stuff with, like make biker gang-style jacket patches. i'll try to research it, unless one of you has time also.


                    • From what I am reading we can not do a raffle unless the proceeds are going to some form of charity.


                      • Hmm. that's probably true.


                        • Hi all,

                          Please tell me if you plan to bring a hearse to the day's of the dead show. We need an official list for badges.


                          • We are bringing ours.


                            • Hellz yeah.


                              • us as well

