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Rockabilly Luau Car Show

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  • Rockabilly Luau Car Show

        • Hey Ryan,

          Did you get the email I sent you regarding the cruise in? I never heard back from you so I'm sending it here.

          What you need for a cruise in/car show

          -Lots of volunteers
          -Dash tag (car show number)
          -Wrist Band for car show participants
          -Hospitality tent (for questions about the event, first aid kit, car show application etc).

          The biggest part of the cruise-in is just getting the word out and getting cars to come out. The car show part is a simple application and prizes. We will design the fliers and get the sponsors as well as posters, t-shirts and other POS for the cruise in.

          Let me know if you need me to come out again. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of the meeting last time.

          -Chris Mattox

    Please be thinking about whether or not we want to do this. Also please keep in mind how much time you would have to dedicate to working on this. We may or may not officially put this to a vote saturday, depending on whether or not we have a quorum.
    We should organize the car show
    I don't feel like we can handle this given our current resources
    LMS is still an asshole

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    More important question is who all would be willing to step up and handle this stuff, and get it done so we don't look bad for letting them down.
    There could be no half assing here, it would need to GET DONE.

    I for one do not think I would have time.


    • #3
      I wrote all this to Ryan after we first talked about it but thanks to the wonder of dem internets I can cut and paste it here!

      I personally feel like we should do this and I don't think it'll be as big of a hardship as you may think. We already have the venue and space and the Luau itself will be doing most of the PR so that's two of the big hurdles right there.

      They'll design the flyers we just need to go to kinkos and put em on cars at other shows, parts stores, etc. Basically we just need to do that and pimp it online and through other car clubs

      I would suggest operating it like some of the shows we used to do in WR.

      The trophies should be donated (if possible) and fairly generic except for best of show. When I say generic I mean just listing the name of the event and not the category. This allows for the changing of cats based on who/what shows up. For example if you do best GM, Ford, Mopar, Import, Rat Rod, and Under Construction. But no rat rods show up and in the GM category you have 20 Camaros and a 1938 Pontiac. You can give the '38 best GM and somebody else Best Camaro.

      I'd also suggest a 50/50 raffle based on your entry number.

      I've been to a SHITLOAD of shows and have helped and/or organized a dozen, basically using the total turnout at this years Luau as an example I'd need about 4 people to help. I can do reg. and announcements, I need people to park the vehicles and 3 judges.

      It IS work, but again most of the hard shit will be done for us, I think we can handle it.

      But then I'm just one man....since the operation.


      • #4
        if we do this, we'll need to form a committee, and we'll need volunteers for specific tasks and responsibilities.


        • #5
          Shit when I did one with The Dead Society we just came up with things between me and their president. Wasn't a huge event but it was fun and easier than you might think.


          • #6
            So as per our discussion tonight we have decided to tackle this, despite the poll results.

            Chase will be in charge of the luau committee. We need to have a meeting to start the planning process, but i think it can wait until after dragon con. We have a meeting scheduled at Dave's for the end of september. We can discuss this there, or have a separate meeting at sonics, or maybe even a virtual meeting via skype, IRC, etc.


            • #7
              If you do the car show, please let me know. Might try and get some people in my hearse club to come down. Will it be in June next year?


              • #8
                yes i think we have the date listed in the annual events thread. that would be awesome if y'all came down.

