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hearse stolen in Ga

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  • hearse stolen in Ga

    The hearse is a 1970 Cadillac M-M Eterna Combination recently stolen with 1968 Plymouth Fury III and 1984 Ford F-150. I believe it was in Buchanan, GA. The hearse is white with a black 1/4 top. It is owned by a funeral director, but was keep off site in a barn. Please keep an eye out for these vehicles.

  • #2
    That sucks, but they are all probably being cut up for scrap metal now. I have heard a lot of cars being stolen for scrap.


    • #3
      Originally posted by LMS View Post
      That sucks, but they are all probably being cut up for scrap metal now. I have heard a lot of cars being stolen for scrap.
      They're scrapping stuff that's worth several times more than what they'd get in scrap metal money around here. Even for stuff that they legitimately own [not stolen stuff]. Makes no sense at all.


      • #4
        I was going to post this here when I saw it on the PCS board, but I didn't see any contact info for the owner and didn't want to start throwing around personal information on multiple boards. I hope they catch the thieves.


        • #5
          Scrap prices have dropped in the last couple weeks and are about to drop again. Hearing this crap sickens me. Likewise, I hope they catch the perp and deal with him privately.

          Thanks for cross posting Josh. If actual pics of missing vehicles are added (and not generic representation), please forward here as well.


          • #6
            Pics would be nice so we know what to look out for.


            • #7
              Here's a couple of photos, better than nothing. Owner is Danny Hutcheson:



              • #8
                Originally posted by sgath92 View Post
                They're scrapping stuff that's worth several times more than what they'd get in scrap metal money around here. Even for stuff that they legitimately own [not stolen stuff]. Makes no sense at all.

                Makes perfect sense.

                Trying to sell a hot car leads to issues where you can get caught. Who do you sell it to? If you dont have a buyer you have to use a public forum inviting someone to see it and turn you in. Then if the guy you sell it two gets caught he will bring the cops to you.

                Scrap dealers are only folowing a very loose law. The car must be so old and the guy dropping it off sign a piece of paper that states its not stolen. Oh and they get his drivers licence number. Then they record the VIN and once a month turn them into the state if requested. When they do turn it in they are looking for new cars and theft rings. They are also more interested in seeing if the number of cars equals the amount of income to make sure its not a drug front. They want to catch the big fish and could give a shit if you ever see your Honda again. And 2 outa 3 scrap yards will deny a vehicle came through there gates anyway to avoid any liability.

                The odds of getting caught are nill unless they catch you when taking it, even then no big deal.

                In the last two years these have been stolen from me.
                I had a pair of 1957 cadillac Fleetwoods and low mileage 1974 Oldsmobile C/B 54" hightop ambulance taken at one time.
                A very nice all original 1967 Bel Air, a mint 1984 Plymouth Fury and a 1996 Plymouth Acclaim taken from my front yard in one day.
                A rust free 1960 Buick wagon, a very nice 1960 Buick Invicta and a 1960 Buick hearse were taken in one day.
                and another 60 Buick hearse was stolen from me by another asshole.

                Now for the sick part, the only vehicle recovered was the 84 Plymouth at the scrap yard two miles from my house after the car had been lifted by forlift through the roof, rolled over and had its drive train ripped out. The scrap yard did not even press charges, they just gave me back my car and were not responsible for the damages. The car was so trashed they offered me scrap value for it. Why not just kick me in the dick...would have been less insulting. I brought her home on a hook and have been piecing her together ever since. It was my grandaddys car, more sentimental value than anything.
                The guy that took them was caught hooking up to my 1960 Buick ambulance in my front yard while I was at work. If he pulled it off he would have yanked 4 cars in less than 3 hours and pocketed more than 3 grand. A friend driving by happened to notice him with my Buick and stopped. The guy told us where he took the cars. The police escorted him to the salvage yards. The Fury was visable on top of a pile of cars and was identified by me. The other scrap yards denied the cars ever coming in, and a warrent is needed to pursue any further. Pull a Part recieved my Bel Air but with out paper work from the state they wont take a car. Several people have seen my Bel Air driving around, I think an employee got it and changed the vin or registered it as another. The detectives are so covered up in new cars they could give a shit about my 40 year old chevy. He went to jail bailed out that day and ultimatly paid a 500 dollar fine and has probation. They did not even impound his fucking truck. His wife drove it home. He does have rights you know!

                Not only that but they have had descriptions of his wrecker yanking old cars out of yards all over the area but it was not enough to stick.

                I really hate to hear about the cars but odds are they were destoyed before he knew they were gone. Within hours they are unrecognizable and have an easily disposed of paper trail. The scrap yards don't care because they are making money on your shit, the thief dosen't care because he is making money on your shit, and the detectives don't care because they draw a paycheck anyway. I guess their making money on your shit too.
                Last edited by 60Buick; 06-04-2012, 11:20 PM.


                • #9
                  As somebody who has several cars in several different locations, all i can say is i find this growing trend very concerning . WTF people !!!!! Hell last summer I was storing my friends 80 cad behind my coach , with my 55 cad in front of that on the side of my garage. They are about 70 feet from the road. with 6ft bushes fencing off my property . You can't even see the damn thing behind the tall coach roof unless you know it is there (from the road anyway) and a tow truck driver still knocked on my door trying to get it for scrap. Not 10 minutes earlier i saw his his truck driving very slowly around the neighborhood stopping here and there in front of houses. I thought he was just looking for someones address for a job. I did not like that at all............


                  • #10
                    i dont think they are crazy enough to take somones stuff without asking for scrap value. at least not around here.


                    • #11
                      Ya never know, people are getting a lot more daring these days. Hell they knocked the cinder blocks out of the back wall of a liquor store in my area. Just to get around the alarm system.


                      • #12
                        The guy backed up to and loaded three cars in broad daylight out of my Front yard. He knocked on the door, no answer so he took them anyway. Even when my friend stopped and questioned him he said the home owner sold them to him. If it would have been the 96 Plymouth my friend would have believed him and left since it was for sale. Knowing the ambulance will never be sold prompted a call to the cops. The neighbors didn't question either, most are prone to mind thier own business.

                        When my 2 57 Fleetwoods and my hightop were stolen they were at a friends shop in his back yard. 11 cars were stolen in one afternoon from a back yard walking distance from the police station in Jonesborro!
                        1957 Fleetwood
                        1957 Fleetwood
                        1974 C/B ambulance
                        a beautiful 38 Cadillac
                        1968 Superior Hearse
                        1969 Impalla ss Convert
                        1964 Impalla sedan with 9000 miles on it
                        1964 Impalla coupe
                        1969 Impalla convert
                        Datsun pick up truck
                        66 Ford funeral van

                        The people taking this shit know its fast money, they have a family and kids to feed or a drug habit to support. Either way that makes them pretty desperate. With the hundreds of we buy junk cars signs in yards and intersections, the scrap is pretty hard to get by honest means and having to pay for it makes it tough to turn a profit.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mr x View Post
                          Ya never know, people are getting a lot more daring these days. Hell they knocked the cinder blocks out of the back wall of a liquor store in my area. Just to get around the alarm system.
                          This is why motion sensors are important too. I'm in Detroit and these fuckers will scrap ANYTHING they can get their hands on. The old saying holds true "whatever isn't nailed down is mine, whatever I can pry up isn't nailed down well enough." They will take the copper piping on the tops of buildings for A/C, fresh houses will get stripped overnight before the work crews come back, and one guy even fried himself trying to dig up the road and take the power main!

                          Times are tough and people are getting crazy. The real sad part is that many were once good people who've had to turn to crime just to support their families too.

                          There was a gang of thugs that waited in a liquor store last month for a guy to leave, then beat him half to death and took his car. Luckily they got a ticket for loitering earlier that day.

                          I want a gun and a bullet proof vest as soon as possible. I'm just happy no one has wanted to touch MY car (other than the hood ornament).


                          • #14
                            can you have guns in detroit?


                            • #15
                              I have a gun on most of the time for these reasons, people are going nuts these days.
                              Only time I am not armed is when I am asleep, in the shower, or at work where it is in my truck 50' from me. I work in a shop so I can see my truck at all times. We also have security cameras outside our house now so if someone takes the 49 and 63 Chevy I will at least have them on camera. I doubt someone could take my cars without me getting a phone call though. We live in a small neighborhood where everyone knows each other and there is usually several people home on the street at any given time.

