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  • Shirts

    Hey i was wondering if you have any updates on the shirts? Any idea when they will be here?

  • #2
    A little under two weeks!


    • #3
      Awesome that means i will have them in time for my transworld haunted house convention.


      • #4
        not sure i wanna know what the "trans" in transworld stands for


        • #5
          You're just jealous cause you don't get to come. lol.


          • #6
            You dont wanna see me dressed as a female - I tried it once for "crossworld" and it wasnt pretty man. Ill stick to being a guy and dressing like one too.
            Now, dont forget Ive seen you dressed as a female - but I wont go into that now.
            I think I still have some pics...


            • #7
              Anyone who is still waiting on their shirt order...GOOD-LUCK!! I sent Zach a paypal payment, received a message that the shirts had sold out, and a new order was on the way...then nothing. He ignored my emails, and I was finally forced to file a paypal claim against him... Paypal decided in my favor, and refunded a grand total of 78 cents, which was all that is in Zach's paypal account!!! BUYER BEWARE!!! I've been checking out the DHA site for years, and have always thought Zach to be a stand-up guy...the shirts are STILL for sale on the website, with no mention of any backorder... -Tony B. 1926 Henney


              • #8
                I've been waiting as well & sent Emails, but I heard that Zach was experiencing some problems. I think he'll come through with the shirts. He's a stand up guy.


                • #9
                  shirt order

                  -I agree, in that I really did hate to file a complaint in case there were other reasons... But, the fact that it was $40. of my money on the line, and he never replied-or took the shirt ad off of the site-forced my hand. I would have been willing to wait longer for the shirts, if he would have replied to the paypal inquiry...but, he ignored them too. I'm really understanding-but this is a bad way to do business...


                  • #10
                    I've been also waiting, and yes I agree he needs to let people know whats going on with their money, but I also have heard through the grapevine that he is having issues and it'll be resolved soon enough.


                    • #11
                      Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been having problems on the production end. I will keep you guys updated and get them out here soon.

