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Greetings from "Weird Colorado"

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  • Greetings from "Weird Colorado"

    (Materializing into view) Greetings, ladies and gents -- Hope I'm not out of line for admitting I'm here for a purely selfish reason.

    I've been contracted to write a book called "Weird Colorado," to be published by Barnes & Noble. Some of you may know the series of "Weird U.S." guidebooks to all things unusual, edited by Mark Moran and Mark Sceurman of "Weird New Jersey" fame (yes, they occasionally do a show called "Weird U.S." for the History Channel).

    Been admiring the fine vehicles of some of y'all from afar for years, especially at Frozen Dead Guy Days in Nederland. So when the opportunity came up to compile a book on all the best of what's weird in Colorado I thought of Denver Hearse Association.

    Y'all do know that's a compliment, right?

    So, would like to know if there is any interest in contributing to a profile of your swell group, with pics and commentary? It will appear in a spledigious hardcover book!

    I've got references if anyone needs 'em ('cause anyone can call his/herself a writer), and would be glad to answer questions. I'm a veteran freelance journalist who has mostly written about quite mundane things like politics and gardening, but I do have a profile of Theda Bara coming out in the next issue of Gothic Beauty, if anyone's interested.

    Hope this is an acceptable way to make myself known and ask for input. Someone let me know politely if it ain't, and I'll try startin' all over again, if that is necessary.

    Thanks for your time and attention.

  • #2
    I'm in!


    • #3
      I think it would be safe to assume that everyone here is down with the idea of media attention!

      What kind of a timeline are you on? The reason I ask is that depending on when you wanted to do this we could work out a couple of things but usually things like this are best when we are all together in one place at one time. You could meet up with us at an event like FDGD or if you can wait until May you could join us for Hearse Con as well which would give you the maximum number of hearses and people to talk to, plus we'd make you more than welcome at the events for the entire weekend.

      Take care! -Zachary


      • #4
        My home turf guys are comin to you. I read weird NJ(obviously because I am in NJ) and have all of the books. Congrats on being noticed guys!


        • #5
          Thanks for the welcome, guys 'n' dolls!

          Will be at FDG Days in Nederland beginning Friday evening and staying at least until after the Coffin Races (If it doesn't commence to blizzard like last year). I'll introduce myself before or after the parade.

          I'm just a conventional-lookin' une femme du certaine age with a wicked gleam in her eye and a camera.

          Y'all let me know if anyone's coming in Friday night -- maybe we can get together and swap lies 'n libations....

