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  • Glass

    Ok, I just bought a '67 Caddy superior with a broken windshield. I remember on the old DHA board reading something about reccomended places in colorado for glass. Anybody have that information? Or am I doomed to years of hunting for parts cars?

  • #2
    The commercial glass has gotten pretty standard these days. I think you could call Elite and they could track it down as there are manufacturers supplying it these days, OR, check Ebay. Somone on there posts an auction every few weeks for commercial glass. Good luck!


    • #3
      Thanks, Zach. I ended up finding one through Pilkington for $585.

      Ooh, and I have a silly question for you. The lady at quickdrop said you came to look at the hearse I ended up with. What was your impression of it? (Feel free to mock me if it was "I pity the sap who buys this piece of junk".)


      • #4


        You want to know what I think of that car!?



        I freaking hate you for getting it!

        No, seriously though, it's a 1967 Superior 3-way which is THE one hearse model that I love more than any other vehicle. It's by far the best design when you consider the car it was built off of and the coachbuilders contibution to making it into a hearse. I would have bought it in a second if I had cash laying around! I'd also say, I don't know how much you paid, but I know what the reserve was and you porbably got a pretty good deal on it. If you ever do end up selling it though, promise to look me up first, I will sell whatever bodily organ I am not currently using!

        Also, you should join us for some DHA events! Maybe the casket races or our trip to Bishops Castle!


        • #5
          Ah. I was afraid that you had found something majorly wrong with it, so had passed it up. If I do decide to sell it down the road (I don't know if I'll be willing to part with my first coach, but if...) I'll let you know first.

          And I'd love to join the DHA for some events.

