Hey guys, just a heads up, LOOK OUT for this ass clown-
URL linking is messed up on the message forums, sorry, just go to Ebay and enter Item number: 280015486069 to see...
Numerous threads pertaining to this seller have been started on the Dead Ends, Hearseclub.com and Professional Car Society message boards about people in the procar community getting defrauded by this guy. I have also had personal dealings with him.
He has been known to switch vins on cars, lie about their condition and fail to deliver titles. Not that I think anyone is stupid enough to pay $9500 for this POS but even if you got it for half that I can guarantee it would still be a ripoff one way or another. I personally traveled out to Chicago a few years back to take a look at a couple of 59s and a 67 that he told me over the phone were Turn key cars you could get right in to and drive across country
Well, when I got there one 59 was so rusted I could have used it for toilet paper, neither one had TIRES (Stupid me, I should have asked!
and one had a damned TREE growing out of it. Now it might just be me, but if there is one thing I have noticed in all functional automobiles on the road today, it is an absolute absence of TREES. Well, it runs good, paints a little faded though and the tree could use some pruning
Then he informed me that the 67 was in a storage unit he didnt feel like getting his big butt off the seat in order to take me to go look at, after I flew 1,100 miles to come see the damned thing.
So yeah, take a look at this guys Ebay feedback and ratings and some of the other threads started about him
URL linking is messed up on the message forums, sorry, just go to Ebay and enter Item number: 280015486069 to see...
Numerous threads pertaining to this seller have been started on the Dead Ends, Hearseclub.com and Professional Car Society message boards about people in the procar community getting defrauded by this guy. I have also had personal dealings with him.
He has been known to switch vins on cars, lie about their condition and fail to deliver titles. Not that I think anyone is stupid enough to pay $9500 for this POS but even if you got it for half that I can guarantee it would still be a ripoff one way or another. I personally traveled out to Chicago a few years back to take a look at a couple of 59s and a 67 that he told me over the phone were Turn key cars you could get right in to and drive across country
Well, when I got there one 59 was so rusted I could have used it for toilet paper, neither one had TIRES (Stupid me, I should have asked!

Then he informed me that the 67 was in a storage unit he didnt feel like getting his big butt off the seat in order to take me to go look at, after I flew 1,100 miles to come see the damned thing.
So yeah, take a look at this guys Ebay feedback and ratings and some of the other threads started about him