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Where to get stuff done in Colorado

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  • Where to get stuff done in Colorado

    Well i just purchased a 1970 cadillac hearse. It needs a lot of work though. The hippy that owned it before me did some stupid stuff to it. It need some body work, which i can find on my own. It needs new carpet and a new headliner. When i took those out there were actually dead animals all over in it. Darn hippies. the hippy also decided to install a submarine window on the back panel. So i need to find someone to close those up. I also need to find the decorative piece for those panels. So any help would be great.

    Fire Freak

  • #2
    Congratulations on the purchase!

    On carpet, what I recommend is just heading out to Home Depot, they have industrial carpet which is really absurdly cheap, I think I carpeted the front of Alexi for like $30 with it. It's thin enough that even if you don't have carpet laying skills you can work with it enough to contour it to the floor.

    The headliner...uhm, I have no clue on that one, when you find out you let me know because that would be a valuable find! As I am told, if you have sewing skills it's not too difficult to take the old one out and just use it as a pattern for the new one, maybe check with some local tailors.

    For body work, I recommend Larry's Body Shop in Flagler. He does flawless work. His email addy is

    If you need any other help, hit me up on email at I am always down for getting together to work on hearses and sometimes it just helps to have an extra hand on your project.

    Good luck! -Zachary


    • #3
      Ok while on the topic of fixing up the hearse. I have looked over the hearse more today and have realised that the top has got to go. (The area where it is leather/vinyl on most hearse.) You guys probably know what it is called, but in that area there is a rough texture over it. It looks pretty trashed though. Is there any way to restore this, or redo it?


      • #4
        The texture you are referring to is a two stage paint that was used called Crinkle paint where they painted it, added a catalyst which constricted it into the texture you see on the roof.

        While you can go the purist route of redoing it in Crinkle paint, it is difficult to obtain and apply. The best recourse is to sand it down and apply truck bed liner (like Rynel bed liner) which has a very similar texture and is very durable.


        • #5
          Ok, thats actually what we where thinking, but didn't know if it would be a crime against "hearsemanity"


          • #6
            I don't know what color you need, but crinkle paint can be found in several places.

            I once bought some at a machinists supply house to repaint a highdollar toolbox.
            I have seen it at some auto parts stores.
            You could try a PPG paint shop.
            and if all else fails, J.C. Whitney has anything and everything.

            But I agree with the lineX suggestion. It's tougher, and will last longer if done properly.



            • #7
              Hey Zachary its slightly off topic but S.O.R.P. is hilarious. I saw it on your myspace profile and have never laughed so hard.


              • #8
                dude - S.O.R.P. is not a joke.  I detest you laughing so hard at Zachary's ambition and hard work.  How dare you!
                I hate to think of the world we would be living in with the 3 more emo kids that SORP has selflessly gotten rid of for us.
                 I think instead of laughing we should be opening a S.O.R.P. Chapter here in the Springs and promote this dedication and tireless fight against the fagness of emo.
                What do you say?

                Twisted Steel
                Putting the "laughter" back in "Slaughter".


                • #9
                  I wasn't laughing at him. I was laughing at the emo foolishness. Come on man you know better than that. lol.

                  We definetly need a springs chapter though. There are lots of them down here. Its like the damn plague


                  • #10
                    Yeah man - Im just joking with you. The video was freakin great. I loved the teeth flying in the air when the dude got curbed lol


                    • #11
                      lol, there are all kinds of great quotes.
                      "Man there is a hot goth chick, i'm gunna go get me some of that."
                      "He's running like a fairy."
                      "Way to work the kidney's there."

                      They just don't stop. lol.

