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FDGD 2012?

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  • FDGD 2012?

    For Sale: Nederland's Frozen Dead Guy Days
    Should be interesting to see if they can sell the rights.
    The Nederland Area Chamber of Commerce is looking to get out of the business of celebrating a corpsicle to do more of what other chambers do: nurture the local business community. The Nederland cha…

  • #2
    I want to preface this by saying I am not trying to stir the pot, these are just my feelings based on how they have treated us and run this event lately. Bear with me because I've probably got a lot more ranting in me than is really healthy but I was pretty much beyond pissed off after last year.

    To be totally honest, I'm done with that event. I have been at every single one (with the exception of year one) and every year they screw us over more and more, last year took the cake though, splitting up our group in their town without cell phone reception and routing everyone back to a parking lot where gale force winds hucked gravel at our paint jobs while we parked there unable to get our group back together. Having been there all these years with the hearse club I can tell you, every single time without fail, they've done something to inconvenience us.

    Poor event planning is to blame, when you don't have a landline in a town with no cell towers for people to call when things go wrong, when your event organizer is getting drunk the night before (several members told me the lead organizer was busy getting wasted at the ball Friday night...when you're the head of an event that has thousands of people involved you MIGHT want to not be hungover the next day) you have problems that need to be fixed.

    This year I sent about 10 emails and made several calls to try to make sure we would have parking. I'd send one asking 4 or 5 bullet pointed questions, I'd get a response that barely answered 1, let alone ALL questions. I had their assurances that we'd have an entire street blocked off, I asked them for specific directions to the end of the route, personally had maps printed up and distributed to the members, then when we got there they seemed to have forgotten completely about it. "Thanks for being in our parade, now get out of site guys!" was the general message. I also don't appreciate it because it makes me look like I didn't know what I was doing when I busted my butt to try to pre-game it as much as possible.

    To me, they should be bending over backwards to help make it easier on us. For us people with older hearses, it costs about $75 to get up there, some people drove from as far as PUEBLO this year. They can't make a single accommodation for people who spend that amount of time and money driving to their event to add a little style and flair? What are we getting out of this exactly? I tried explaining to them that aside from being in a parade, which we can do at Adams County or Emma Crawford, we wanted post parade visibility, but they couldn't give us that. Forget them. They don't deserve to have us there if that's how they want to treat us. Who wants to spend a bunch of time and money to go to some freezing ass town where the wind never dies and they don't keep their word and screw you over in the end?

    I really hope that someone new gets in there and fixes things. I've spoken with vendors at the event and after the event and a very common consensus is that it's poorly executed and they tend to anger a lot of people.

    Again, this is just one guy talking here, but I am pretty tired of it and I think we could spend our resources in better ways on events that actually make accommodations for us.


    • #3
      Update: Just saw on another forum it has been bought.

      Zach, that's some bullshit. Hopefully the new owner runs things better. Also I wish I had more events to hate here, at least then there would be some events. I really need to rally the troops more.


      • #4
        Zach has been in negotiations with them* (not sure if new or old owners but assume new). Looks like we're back on this year.


        • #5
          Howdy all,

          Yes, Amanda did buy FDGD but she was also the event organizer the last couple of years. I will say that the event has gotten better since she took over.

          I am in no way speaking for the FDGD staff but as a fan.

          It sucks that there have been communication break downs. The event is BIG. A town of 1400 is invaded by 10k+ people. I'm sure shit gets dropped. I'd have to say that the DHA is a popular part and would hate to see y'all not be there.

          Wind, cold and snow is part of living/visiting up here. There is now an AT&T cell tower in town. The after parade is a little ferhoodled and always has been.

          If it would help any, I would be willing to be a liaison for the DHA. I know some people and can get some face time.



          • #6
            We were indeed able to come up with a plan this year that was equitable for the club and takes care of our issues with previous years so we will be back for sure!

