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I screwed up the web server, it will be up next week.

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  • I screwed up the web server, it will be up next week.

    So I decided to upgrade from OpenBSD 4.2 to 4.4 for security reasons, and I was hoping to patch some holes in the system which didn't allow me to do a few things.

    Forgetting that I'm an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing who shouldn't even be attempting to run a webserver, let alone a mailserver, webmail, and an e-mail list who should learn to use the damned operating system right in the first place, I screwed it up and it wouldn't give me SSH (remote) access. So now I have to go physically pick it up and fix it.

    Hopefully I'll have it back up by next week.

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I websurfed, weak and weary,
    ...Over many a strange and spurious website of 'hot chicks galore',
    ...While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning,
    ...And my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour.
    ..."'Tis not possible," I muttered, "give me back my cheap hardcore!" -

    Quoth the server, "404"

  • #2
    Dude - if you need to host it on this server, let me know - FreeBSD 6.3, php5, mysql 5, etc...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
      Dude - if you need to host it on this server, let me know - FreeBSD 6.3, php5, mysql 5, etc...
      Wow, thanks for the offer, and I may take you up on it.

      Still I kind of like having full run of my own system and just saying "I run my own webserver" is kind of cool as long as I'm not adding "but it's perpetually down because I'm a dumbass" on the end of it.

      I want to get something up with actual e-mail accounts (huge headache reading the boat anchor config file), mailman, webmail, icecast (a radio show what?) etc..., maybe a few other things I haven't thought of.

      Once I get it up and configured properly (if ever) I'd be happy to give you space to mirror this site though.

      Mostly I just have one question. If you HAD to choose an OS to run a webserver on for a remote system that you could never see or touch hardly ever (my friend's dad hosts it on his network and I think the less he sees of me the better) for remote updating of the OS which one would you choose? Other requirements are open source and secure(ish).

      OpenBSD is rock solid goodness, but it's also a pain in the dick.

      Thanks again for the offer. It does mean a lot.


      • #4
        Actually on second thought I'd be honored to have my site hosted on your server. Mostly because I don't know anything about running one. I mean I learned to install it on my own and somewhat maintain it. If anything I can at least run the HTTP end off of the server and do the e-mails off mine when I get it up. But I'd like to get SOMETHING up soon. The weather is starting to get nice and I need an events page. Not to mention it will stop all the members from bitching at me.

        In return when I get mine up I'll be happy to mirror the entire site for you. Including running your favorite OS on it (since I've worked with Free before but went with Open for the security, but in all actuality anything is better than Windows). Installing 6.4 since it's the latest out that matches what you have.

        Let me know how you wish to proceed.

        Also I can't add tags, says i'm missing a security token. Just FYI
        Last edited by Scary Guy; 02-11-2009, 08:21 AM.


        • #5
          I'll give you a hint, this is tattooed on my left shoulder:

          I might take you up on your mirror idea - the database replication piece is always interesting, and could probably do some creative shit with bgp to determine closest local node to someone by ping times and route them to the device that was responding faster. The only FreeBSD dependent things on this site are just pathing for some of the other scripts that run on the box, but for the most part it's just a standard FAMP server (like a LAMP stack, with FreeBSD instead of linux). I work for a webhosting company, so I'm all about keeping it simple. The other OS I would run would be a Debian Etch install - I love 'apt' and it makes for a very nice and easy server to maintain (not ubuntu, straight up debian). Plus, if you don't tell it to install it, it probably won't, so it's nice and clean. Switching between a FreeBSD box and a Debian box a few times in a day will start to tweak your head with the different locations and practices for file management (glad I don't have my solaris box anymore).

          While it is fun saying that you have a webserver, getting woken up at 2 in the morning because something you are hosting doesn't work, or having to spend 20 miutes adding new domains, mail accounts, mail boxes, aliases, setting up your httpd.conf files or hosts-enabled files, etc... screw that noise. I run cpanel on all my production servers! It's not that I can't do it manually, but the pain isn't worth it. I can have a domain setup with a control panel in under a minute and be back to surfing rockabilly chick porn in just a few minutes.

          I'll take a look at the tags thing when I get to the office.


          • #6
            Sounds like you know your shit. Tell you what, I'm going to give you root on my box so you can do whatever you want with it. Just don't run an IRC server because I don't need my friend's work DDOS'ed out of existence. I'll probably set that up from my house (or just continue to leech off of 's services).

            Anyhow I'll hold off on the install until I hear from you later. Debian or FreeBSD, your pick. Keep in mind I have experience in FreeBSD, which means you'll want to go with Debian so I don't screw anything up since I won't know enough to screw anything up lol.

            You're also on our permanant good list for this, and we thank you a bunch.

            I used to know a guy with a linux penguin on one forearm and the FreeBSD demon on the other.


            • #7
              Again - as little effort as possible is the goal!

              I'll set you up your account and PM you the details of what you need - then you can just point your domain to my dns and you'll be gravy.

              Maybe later on we can do some replication shit.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                Again - as little effort as possible is the goal!

                I'll set you up your account and PM you the details of what you need - then you can just point your domain to my dns and you'll be gravy.

                Maybe later on we can do some replication shit.
                Yeah I'd really like to do the replication shit. Seeing as how I've never done that before. Hell maybe I'll learn a few things. Thanks again.


                • #9
                  Finally back up, thanks!

